IB 167 Page 1
To: Development Services Customers
IECC Residential Energy Inspection Forms
DATE: July 15, 2015 /Dec 23, 2016/Oct 1, 2018/ Sept 7, 2022/June 15, 2023
CREATED BY: Plan Review Division
As a customer service initiative, the Development Services Department (DSD) created
this Information Bulletin (IB) 167 with the information and form to submit to clear Energy
Inspections relating to compliance with the International Energy Conservation Code
(IECC). The Information Bulletin has been revised to reflect the State of Texas use of the
Energy Star score as a fourth path of compliance, as well as add Solar and Electric
Vehicle ready.
The currently adopted IECC - Residential Provisions apply to:
Any new, alteration, or additions to a residential dwelling designed under the
International Residential Code. This includes single family, duplex dwelling units,
and townhomes.
The residential provisions also applies to dwellings designed under the
International Building Code, i.e., the residential portions of any mixed-use
building, live work units, or buildings classified as Occupancy Groups R-2, R-3,
and R-4, all three stories or less in height above grade plane. Those portions of
the building that are not residential, or if the building is over three stories, are
regulated under the Commercial provisions of the IECC (see IB 221 for forms
related to commercial).
Residential Compliance Path Options:
There are four energy conservation compliance paths in the currently adopted
IECC/State of Texas energy codes.
Three of the compliance paths require that certain mandatory provisions of the IECC be
met and are in the 2021 IECC. Prescriptive/UA Alternative, Performance and the ERI.
IB 167 Page 2
The fourth compliance path is the EPA Energy Star ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 option
allowed by the State of Texas Health and Safety Code Ch. 388. Sec 388.003(i). This
home energy rating system utilizes Standard 301 of the American National Standard for
the Calculation and Labeling.
of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating
Index, commonly cited as ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301, as it existed on January 1, 2021.
This compliance path must meet the mandatory requirements of Section R406.2 of the
2018 International Energy Conservation Code; and the building thermal envelope is
equal to or greater than the levels of efficiency and solar heat gain coefficient in Table
R402.1.2 or Table R402.1.4 of the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. Under
this compliance path, ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301, as it existed on January 1, 2021, uses an
energy rating index as follows:
59 or lower on or after September 1, 2022.
57 or lower on or after September 1, 2025; and
55 or lower on or after September 1, 2028.
Each of these paths (2021 IECC and the State of Texas allowed EPA Energy Star)
requires inspections as well as tests performed to ensure the energy systems are energy
efficient. The Residential Energy Compliance Form is attached to this Information
Bulletin and is submitted online as a pdf to clear those inspections.
Inspection Requirements and the Residential Energy Compliance Form
The following new home residential energy inspections are cleared with submittal of the
Residential Energy Compliance Form (attached to this IB). Parts of the form correspond
to individual inspections as follows:
Energy Compliance Form Section
Building - Insulation with Letter
Insulation Materials, R-Value
Energy Air Leakage Blower Door
Building Envelope Air Leakage Test
Energy - Residential Insulation Air
Building Envelope Air Barrier
Energy - Residential Windows
Fenestration U-Factors Solar Heat Gain
Energy - Residential Mech System
Mechanical Insulation, Efficiency, Ventilation
HVAC Duct Air Leakage
Energy - Residential Hot Water System
Plumbing System Hot Water Insulation
Energy - Residential Electrical System
Lighting System
Photovoltaic Capable
Electric Vehicle Ready
ERI or EPA Energy Star Path
IB 167 Page 3
*The ERI or EPA Energy Star PathThis must be checked on the Residential Energy
Compliance Form if either of these two compliance paths are chosen. Be aware that if
using the ERI compliance path or the Energy Star compliance path, a certificate or report
must be uploaded showing that the ERI is equal to or less than the ERI in the IECC (ERI
path) or the State of Texas Requirement (Energy Star)
Compliance Path and Respective Inspection Requirements Residential Additions
The following indicate the information needed to submit through the Residential Energy
Compliance Form for a home addition:
Prescriptive OnlySection R502:
Insulation materials, R-Value, and Continuous Air Barrier as installed.
Fenestration U-Factors, Solar Heat Gain Coefficients as installed.
Mechanical HVAC ((only required with a new complete HVAC system)
Plumbing hot water system (only required with a new Hot Water system.)
Testing for air leakage is NOT required under the 2021 IECC.
Batch Testing - Thermal Envelope and Duct Testing for R-2, R-3, and R-4
Batch Testing - For a building having seven (7) or more dwelling units, a minimum of 15%
of the dwelling units in each building must be tested as required by Sections R402.4.1.2 -
building envelope testing, and R403.3.5 - duct testing. For building with less than seven
(7) dwelling units, one unit will be tested. If each tested dwelling unit within the batch
meets code requirements, then all dwelling units in the batch are considered to meet
Batch Identification and Sampling - The builder shall identify a "batch" which is a building
where the dwelling units are completed and ready for testing. The third-party testing
contractor randomly selects at least 15% of dwelling units from a batch for testing. All units
within the batch must be ready for testing (drywall complete, interior door jams installed,
HVAC system installed, and final air sealing completed) before the testing contractor can
select the units to be tested.
Failure to Meet Batch and Sampling Code Requirement(s)
1. If any dwelling units within the identified batch fail to meet a code requirement
because of testing, the builder will be directed to fix the cause(s) of failure, and 30
% of the remaining dwelling units in the batch will be randomly selected for testing
regarding the specific cause(s) of failure.
2. If any failures occur in the additional dwelling units, all remaining dwelling units in
the batch must be individually tested for code compliance.
3. No building may be issued a Certificate of Occupancy until testing has been
performed and passed on the prescribed number of dwelling unit(s) selected for
testing as indicated above.
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For R-2, R-3, and R-4 buildings with batch testing of multiple dwelling units, one set of
Energy Compliance Documents shall be submitted that covers compliance for the
batch/entire building. Separate documents are not required for each dwelling unit.
Submittal of the Residential Energy Compliance Form:
The attached Residential Energy Compliance Form may be submitted with one item
checked to clear one inspection or may be submitted with all or multiple certifications
checked to clear all or multiple related energy inspections. Both pages of the form are
always required.
When a post-construction energy report (for a Performance Path, ERI, or EPA Energy
Star program) is submitted, the form is still required.
Submittal of the Residential Energy Compliance Form and any Compliance Report must
be uploaded to the permit record through the BuildSA Customer Portal located at:
After logging into the BuildSA Customer Portal, under the Building tab, choose the
residential new building permit record. Open the permit record and under the Record
Information tab, upload a pdf file of the Residential Energy Compliance From under the
section “Attachments”. Uploading a pdf version of the form will create a city document
review task on the permit to clear “Energy Inspections” after review. Be aware that
opening the application record and trying to upload the form to that record rather than the
permit record will not create a review by the City.
This Information Bulletin is for informational purposes only.
Prepared by: Richard Chamberlin, P.E., Development Services Engineer
Reviewed by: Ramiro Carrillo, Development Services Manager
Authorized by: Crystal Gonzales, P.E. CBO, Assistant Director
Residential Energy Compliance FormSubmnittal of both pages are required
Three items require a 3
party inspection under the IECC: Page 1 of the Residential Energy
Compliance Form (attached):
1. Building thermal envelope leakage rate.
The City of San Antonio amendments to the IECC require that the 3
party testing of the building
envelope for leakage be performed, and information submitted by an independent certified RESNET
energy rater, Texas Licensed Architect/Engineer, or DSD approved alternate such as Building
Performance Institute (BPI).
2. Building thermal envelope installation details.
The City of San Antonio amendments to the IECC require that the 3
party testing of the building
envelope for installation of the air barrier under Table R402.4.1.1, and information submitted by an
independent certified RESNET energy rater, Texas Licensed Architect/Engineer, or DSD approved
alternate such as Building Performance Institute (BPI).
3. The ERI or EPA Energy StarThe Residential Energy Compliance Form may be submitted by
submitted by an Energy Rating Company or Builder/Developer that are partners with the EPA
Energy Star Residential New Construction program. These are certified under RESNET or BSI.
Other parties, including 3
party inspectors, may submit page 2 of the Residential Energy
Compliance Form:
4. 2021 IECC Compliance Paths - The Residential Energy Compliance Form may be submitted by
the installer or any system, the homeowner/homebuilder, an architect or engineer, or the 3
inspector/company. These include RESNET or BPI certified inspectors.
Required Form section for residential additions
Required Sections:
Insulation Materials, R-Value
Fenestration U-Factors, Solar Hear
If Applicable, Sections:
HVAC Duct Air Leakage
Mechanical System (HVAC)
Plumbing Hot Water System
Lighting - High efficacy lamps
Project Address:
Building Permit Number:
Project is a (check one) New Building: _________________ Addition:
Indicate the Energy Compliance Path chosen by the home designer (check one):
Prescriptive ____________ Performance _____________ ERI _____________ Energy Star
INSTALLATION TEST/CERTIFICATIONS: Required to be signed by the 3
party certified energy rater
Building Envelope Air Leakage Tests Test/Inspection Date: _________________________
I certify that the building envelope has been tested per ASTM E 779 or ASTM E 1827 and the air leakage
does not exceed five air changes per hour per Section R402.4.1.2 of the IECC.
Building Envelope Air Barrier I certify that the building envelope air barrier has been installed per Table
R402.4.1.1 of the IECC.
ERI Path, or EPA Energy Star Path (if either compliance path used in the energy design) I certify that the ERI
or the Energy Star report/certificate shows that the home meets the maximum IECC or State of Texas Energy
Star ERI requirements.
Batch Testing of the Building Envelope and Ducts for Air Leakage – R-2, R-3 and R-4
Occupancies (Not applicable for Single Family, Duplex or Townhomes)
Total Number of Dwelling Units _________ Number of Dwelling Units Tested ____________
Date: Phone:
Certification Number or Accredited Rating Provider:
Certifying Company Name:
Certifying Company Address:
Certifying Name (print or type):
Insulation Materials, R-Value, as installed:
R-Value Walls______ R-Value Ceiling ___ R-Value Floor (pier on beam)
Fenestration (Window/All Glass) U-Factors, Solar Heat Gain Coefficients as installed:
Window U-Factor Window SHGC
Mechanical System Insulation, Equipment Size/Efficiencies, and Mechanical Whole Home
Measured whole house ventilation rate (cfm) ___________
Timer Settings for percent % run time if ventilation is not continuous: ________________
HVAC Duct Air Leakage Tests Test/Inspection Date: ________________________
I certify that the rough-in construction duct test results for air leakage meet the requirement of
Section 403.3.3 (2018 IECC) Section 403.3.5 (2021 IECC).
Plumbing System Hot Water Piping Insulation and Controls for Hot Water Loop Systems
R-Value of hot water piping insulation ___________
Lighting System (2018 IECC Only) Percent of High Efficacy Lamps as installed ___________
Photovoltaic Capable I certify that that the main electrical service panel meets the minimum
requirements of Section R409.1 of the City amendments to the 2021 IECC.
Electric Vehicle Ready I
certify that that the garage has a dedicated 40amp/240volt single
receptacle for EV use per the City amendments to the 2021 IECC
All items checked and noted above were tested and/or inspected and found in conformance with the
requirements of the applicable 2018 or 2021 International Energy Conservation Code or Energy Star
Company Name
Company Address:
Certifying Name (print or type):
Certifying Name (Signature):