For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
MATTER NO. 02231456
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
I N D E X2
Abtronic Fitness System 35
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
In the Matter of: )4
AbTronic Electronic Fitness System) Matter No. 0223145 5
April 30, 20018
The following transcript was produced from a12
live tape provided to For The Record, Inc. on February 8,13
2002. 14
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
P R O C E E D I N G S1
- - - - -2
ON SCREEN: The following is a paid commercial3
for the ABTronic Fitness System, brought to you by4
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- commercial for the ABTronic6
Fitness System, brought to you by ABTronic.7
(Music playing.)8
MALE ANNOUNCER: What would you do to flatten9
your stomach once and for all? 10
ON SCREEN: Large Red X on screen11
MALE ANNOUNCER: Tired of all those ab products12
that force you onto the floor and hurt your back, yet13
show no results. We've got amazing news for you.14
JAIME: Oh, wow.15
RICK: Oh, wow. Oh, my.16
BETH: It feels like it's really working my17
abs. It really does. And I don't have to strain.18
MALE ANNOUNCER: Introducing the revolutionary19
ABTronic Fitness System. In the next half hour, you'll20
see how this new technology does all the work for you. 21
You'll just sit and relax and watch your abs tighten,22
your love handles disappear and your thighs and buns firm23
up with no sweat. You'll see how the ABTronic System24
gives you the results of 600 sit-ups in just 10 minutes25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
without any effort. It's like our engineers shrunk half1
a gym of bulky expensive exercise equipment into a little2
electronic miracle the size of a pack of matches.3
Get ready to discover the secret of4
professional trainers, champion bodybuilders and5
astronauts with the ABTronic Fitness System.6
The Future of Fitness8
ON SCREEN: Julie Shipley Todd Jensen9
TODD JENSEN: Hello, my name is Todd Jensen and10
this is the beautiful Julie Shipley who placed third in11
the Fitness America Nationals the past two years running. 12
And this is the ABTronic Fitness System. You just place13
it around your stomach, turn it on and get ready for the14
greatest set of abs that you're ever going to see with no15
JULIE SHIPLEY: And you can feel it working17
TODD JENSEN: I mean, wow, look at that. I can19
see her stomach muscles contracting. That looks pretty20
JULIE SHIPLEY: It feels pretty cool, too. 22
It's like doing the equivalent of 600 sit-ups in 1023
TODD JENSEN: Whoo, that's a lot of sit-ups.25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
It's the most advanced electronic workout that you can1
get. You stay passive and the ABTronic does all the work2
for you.3
ON SCREEN: Steve McKiernan4
Internet Co., President5
STEVEN McKIERNAN: While wearing the ABTronic,6
you know what's happening. You can feel the7
contractions, you can feel the energy, you can feel the8
intensity going on in your abdominal muscles. It's9
crystal clear that there's something healthy going on in10
your body when you're wearing the ABTronic.11
ON SCREEN: Sandra Lopez12
Certified Fitness Trainer13
SANDRA LOPEZ: When I looked at the ABTronic14
System I thought, gosh, is this going to give me a good15
workout. And then, as soon as I tried it, it was16
awesome. It was just -- it gave me a great workout. I17
saw muscles that I never knew I even had and I just love18
it. It's great.19
ON SCREEN: Jennifer Knisley20
Real Estate Specialist21
JENNIFER KNISLEY: When I first put the22
ABTronic belt on, I was really surprised to be able to23
see my muscles actually moving and contracting. It was a24
neat sensation because I knew my muscles were really25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
working. When I first took it off, I was also surprised1
because my muscles were tired, which let me know that,2
indeed, they had worked.3
TODD JENSEN: It's absolutely great for people4
who want to lose inches and weight around the midsection. 5
In a matter of days, you're going to see how ABTronic6
firms and tightens your muscles and makes your stomach7
ON SCREEN: Anita Vaccaro9
Hotel Beverage Dept.10
Lost 3 inches Before & After photos11
ANITA VACCARO: After three weeks of using the12
ABTronic System, I noticed fantastic results. I have13
lost three inches in my waist and two inches in my hip14
area and I was just very happy with it.15
ON SCREEN: Lisa Lundy16
Real Estate Sales17
Lost 5 inches Before & After photos18
Results vary based on use and muscle response19
LISA LUNDY: I got into a car accident about20
three months ago and was unable to go work out at the21
gym. Since then, I have found the ABTronic System. I've22
used the ABTronic System now for about two and a half23
months. I've lost five inches on my waist and another24
three inches on my hips.25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
JULIE SHIPLEY: ABTronic is really safe and1
easy to use. You apply a little ABTronic gel on the2
back, wrap the belt around your stomach and turn it on. 3
Wow, you can feel your muscles contract.4
TODD JENSEN: You see, the ABTronic has a5
built-in microchip that gives you not one, not two, but6
six different electronic workout modes -- 7
ON SCREEN: 6 different programs8
10 levels of intensity9
TODD JENSEN: -- from short staccato muscle10
contractions to long deep contractions, to random11
mixtures of shorts and longs, whatever fits your needs.12
JULIE SHIPLEY: You increase the intensity by13
pushing this button or you decrease it by pushing this14
one. There are 10 levels of intensity, from a mild15
massage to an intense workout, and they couldn't have16
made it any simpler.17
TODD JENSEN: And it automatically turns off18
after 10 minutes, so you don't need to look at the clock19
while ABTronic is working you out. Now, notice, I said20
it's working you out. It does all the work.21
ON SCREEN: Leah Martinez22
Makeup Artist23
LEAH MARTINEZ: When I used the ABTronic24
System, I felt like I didn't have to do anything at all. 25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
It did all the work for me and I feel like all my muscles1
are working all at the same time. It just felt so good.2
JULIE SHIPLEY: And there's no need to buy3
expensive exercise equipment or drive to the gym every4
day. 5
TODD JENSEN: You can go about your normal6
business while ABTronic slims, trims and firms your upper7
abs, your lower abs and/or your love handles with no8
ON SCREEN: Dawn Hathaway10
VP, Executive Staffing Firm11
DAWN HATHAWAY: I'm always in a hurry for time12
and I think another favorite thing of mine with the13
ABTronic System is that I could cut my workout short. I14
was accustomed to doing my cardio workout and then taking15
the extra time to do the abdominal machine or doing some16
crunches, and the pleasure of this product is that the17
ABTronic System did that work for me, so I could actually18
go about, you know, doing my other daily duties or19
leaving the gym or whatever I needed to be doing and it20
would be working for me instead of me having to take that21
time to work out.22
ON SCREEN: Animation of ABTronic machine23
working on muscle24
TODD JENSEN: ABTronic works by little25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
electronic impulses that send a signal through the skin1
to the motor point of the muscle, triggering the muscle2
to contract. So, there's no more guessing at how to do a3
proper crunch. ABTronic does it for you the correct way4
every time.5
ON SCREEN: Alice Melesio-Incle6
Certified Fitness Trainer7
ALICE MELESIO-INCLE: As a personal trainer, I8
teach my clients to be able to contract their muscles --9
the abdominal muscles and do crunches properly, but when10
they go home, they don't remember how to be able to do11
the proper contraction to make the exercise work for12
What I found with the ABTronic System is that14
it's a no-brainer. 15
ON SCREEN: It does the work for you16
Results vary based on use and muscle response17
ALICE MELESIO-INCLE: You -- all you do is put18
on the belt and you don't have to think contracting your19
abdominals. It does it all for you.20
JULIE SHIPLEY: ABTronic will tone and firm21
those muscles around your stomach in no time. Soon, you22
will have results you only dream about.23
TODD JENSEN: You are going to have abs that24
you won't believe.25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
JULIE SHIPLEY: And, ladies, listen to this. 1
ABTronic can even get rid of that cellulite and2
flabbiness around your thighs and you can also use it on3
your chest.4
TODD JENSEN: Dr. Julio Garcia has been a5
practicing cosmetic plastic surgeon in Las Vegas for 136
years and is highly respected among his peers. In fact,7
it was Dr. Garcia who was asked to sew boxer Evander8
Holyfield's ear back on after Mike Tyson had it for9
dinner in their title fight.10
Dr. Garcia knows how important it is for people11
to feel and look their best.12
ON SCREEN: Dr. Julio Garcia13
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon14
DR. JULIO GARCIA: Many people can go on a very15
strict diet regimen and lose a lot of body fat, yet the16
muscle tone underneath shows no definitions. We've all17
gone to the beach, seen young women and men with those18
six-pack type of washboard abs. They're really very sexy19
and people really want those.20
Well, you can lose all the weight in the world21
that you want, but unless you have good muscle tone22
underneath, you're not going to have a washboard abdomen. 23
ON SCREEN: Animation of ABTronic machine24
working on muscle25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
DR. JULIO GARCIA: So, with systems like the1
ABTronic where we can stimulate these muscles and you do2
both things, both the system of losing some weight,3
losing those inches, and then firming and toning the4
muscles underneath, that muscle definition will,5
therefore, show through much better and give you a better6
cosmetic improvement.7
JULIE SHIPLEY: You only need to use the8
ABTronic Fitness System for 10 minutes two to three times9
a day to put yourself in bathing suit shape. Remember,10
10 minutes with the ABTronic and you're doing 600 sit-11
ups. 12
ON SCREEN: 10 minutes = 600 situps13
JULIE SHIPLEY: Obviously, the more you use it,14
the better and quicker the result.15
Todd, when was the last time you did 600 sit-16
ups? Never?17
TODD JENSEN: You know, Julie, the abs are my18
toughest area to keep fit and I hate getting on the19
ground doing sit-ups or using those rolling ab machines. 20
But with the ABTronic Fitness System, no sweat. I can21
use it sitting in front of the television, walking the22
dog, at work, shopping, traveling, anywhere anytime.23
JULIE SHIPLEY: And no one will know you're24
wearing it.25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
ON SCREEN: Jennifer Knisley1
Real Estate Specialist2
JENNIFER KNISLEY: I mainly use the ABTronic3
System at home. And what I liked best is in the morning,4
I could change my baby's diapers, I could fix breakfast5
for both of my children, throw in a load of laundry,6
unload the dishwasher, all my typical morning mundane7
chores, and at the same time, my ab muscles were working8
and getting a very good workout and I didn't have to find9
the time to actually lay down and do sit-ups or anything10
of that nature.11
ON SCREEN: Dawn Hathaway12
VP, Executive Staffing Firm13
DAWN HATHAWAY: I think my favorite thing about14
the ABTronic System is that it was so portable and easy15
to use. 16
ON SCREEN: Portable17
Easy to use18
DAWN HATHAWAY: I'm on the go a lot, I travel19
quite a bit, and it's easily put into a suitcase or put20
into a handbag so that I didn't feel I was missing out on21
a workout if I had to be away from home or away from the22
TODD JENSEN: It doesn't matter whether you're24
tall or short, big or small -- 25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
ON SCREEN: Do not use during pregnancy or with1
a pacemaker, cardiac condition, epilepsy, multiple2
TODD JENSEN: -- here's your opportunity to put4
your workout on auto pilot and get those abs strong, firm5
and toned with no sweat with the ABTronic Fitness System.6
ON SCREEN: This is a paid presentation for the7
ABTronic Fitness System8
TODD JENSEN: And here's how to order.9
MALE ANNOUNCER: No time to work out? Fed up10
with all those exercise videos that become repetitive? 11
ON SCREEN: Large Red X on screen12
MALE ANNOUNCER: Tired of all those ab products13
that force you onto the floor?14
Now, here's the easiest way to get your body in15
the shape you want it. The future of fitness is finally16
here. Introducing the amazing ABTronic Fitness System. 17
Get ready to firm, tone and tighten your upper abs, lower18
abs and love handles with no sweat. ABTronic is the19
electronic dream machine that will show you immediate20
improvement without strenuous time-consuming workouts. 21
You'll develop that six-pack you've always wanted in the22
easiest way imaginable.23
ABTronic is very safe and simple to use. You24
control the 10 intensity levels and you have a choice of25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
six different exercise programs to choose from. Then,1
amazingly, watch as your ab muscles contract as if you're2
doing a sit-up. That's right. Your muscles are moving3
but you are not. ABTronic will work you out while4
watching television, shopping, working, walking, any5
place you want, any time you want. Ten minutes on the6
ABTronic is the equivalent of 600 sit-ups. That's why we7
guarantee you'll lose two inches off your midsection in8
less than a month or your money back.9
You can also target your arms, chest, buns or10
thighs. And because there are no wires or pads, you can11
even wear ABTronic under your clothes and no one will12
know it's there but you. 13
ON SCREEN: Not available in stores14
The future of fitness with no sweat15
MALE ANNOUNCER: ABTronic is not available in17
stores. This special TV offer is the only place you can18
get it. So, pick up the phone and call the number on19
your screen. 20
ON SCREEN: $600 (crossed out with red x)21
The future of fitness with no sweat22
MALE ANNOUNCER: Other electronic machines sell24
for as much as $600. But ABTronic is available to you25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
right now for five payments of $29.95.1
ON SCREEN: 5 payments $29.952
(plus S+H)3
The future of fitness with no sweat4
MALE ANNOUNCER: But hold on, for a limited6
time, you can purchase ABTronic for only four easy7
payments of $29.95. 8
ON SCREEN: 4 payments $29.95 9
(plus S+H)10
The future of fitness with no sweat11
MALE ANNOUNCER: That's one full payment off13
the normal price. 14
- Instruction manual16
- Weight-Loss plan17
- 2nd battery18
- Slim Down Firming Gel19
The future of fitness with no sweat20
MALE ANNOUNCER: And that's not all. You'll22
also get an easy to read instruction manual, the23
exclusive ABTronic Advanced Weight Loss booklet, a spare24
battery and a special ABTronic slim down firming gel to25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
give you maximum results quickly. 1
ON SCREEN: Value $40 FREE2
The future of fitness with no sweat3
MALE ANNOUNCER: These extras are valued at5
$40, but they're yours free with the purchase of the6
ABTronic Fitness System.7
ON SCREEN: Value $20 FREE8
The future of fitness with no sweat9
MALE ANNOUNCER: But wait, if you call within11
the next 29 minutes, we'll also send you this handsome12
traveling bag, valued at $20 -- 13
ON SCREEN: Ideal for travel14
The future of fitness with no sweat15
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- so you can carry your17
ABTronic Fitness System anywhere you want.18
ON SCREEN: Buns Thighs Arms19
The future of fitness with no sweat20
MALE ANNOUNCER: And there's more, for a22
limited time, you'll also receive a second shorter belt23
perfect for placing around your thighs or arms. 24
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
The future of fitness with no sweat2
MALE ANNOUNCER: Normally, this would be sold4
separately, but it's yours free with the purchase today5
of the ABTronic Fitness System. 6
ON SCREEN: 30 day money back GUARANTEE7
The future of fitness with no sweat8
MALE ANNOUNCER: And you also get an10
unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not11
satisfied, just return it for a refund of the purchase12
price --13
ON SCREEN: FREE just for trying the ABTronic14
The future of fitness with no sweat15
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- and keep the firming gel17
and weight loss booklet on us for free.18
ON SCREEN: 4 payments $29.95 19
(plus S+H)20
The future of fitness with no sweat21
MALE ANNOUNCER: So, call the number on your23
screen and get ready to tighten your abs like you've24
never seen them before. Professional athletes,25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
astronauts and physical therapists have used it. Now1
it's your turn. Put your workout on auto pilot, the2
amazing ABTronic Fitness System. Call now.3
TODD JENSEN: Exercise using electronic impulse4
has been scientifically tested for years, mostly by5
astronauts, sports doctors and pro athletes. But until6
now you had to attach wires to the muscles on the body7
part you wanted to work and things could get pretty8
tangled up.9
JULIE SHIPLEY: With the ABTronic Fitness10
System, you can't get any easier. This is wireless. 11
It's all self-contained in one compact portable unit. I12
just put a little ABTronic gel on the back of the belt,13
attach it around my stomach and press the button. Whoa. 14
You can feel it working and you're not even sweating.15
ON SCREEN: Dawn Hathaway16
VP, Executive Staffing Firm17
DAWN HATHAWAY: The first time I put the18
ABTronic System on I expected maybe a slight little19
vibration or a little bit of something going on there. 20
When I actually tried it, I was amazed at how powerful it21
was. I could really feel it working and how deep it was22
going into my abs.23
TODD JENSEN: They say big things come in small24
packages and that can certainly be said with the ABTronic25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
Fitness System. Don't let its size fool you. In the1
world of electronics and computer chips, small is better2
and more valuable. 3
Because of its quality engineering, this little4
miracle is comparable to a gym full of exercise5
equipment. There's nothing like it. You have to6
experience it for yourself. 7
JULIE SHIPLEY: You can set it for short8
staccato contractions or longer deeper muscle9
contractions. Remember, it has six different workout10
programs and ten intensity levels.11
TODD JENSEN: I like the short, quick12
contraction that duplicates a sit-up. You stay with this13
for 10 minutes and it's comparable to doing 600 sit-ups14
at a time. And you do that enough times, and you're15
going to have that six-pack of abs sooner than you think.16
ON SCREEN: K.T. Roberge17
Results based on use and muscle response19
K.T. ROBERGE: When I first started using 20
the ABTronic System, I was skeptical at first, thinking21
it's just too easy, strapping it on, nothing to plug 22
in, and it just contracts your muscles. But for three23
weeks, I have used it now and I've lost two inches in my24
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
ON SCREEN: Sandie Heitman1
Medical Practice Manager2
SANDIE HEITMAN: I have purchased other3
abdominal equipment on the television before, and when4
I've got them home and tried them, it's not as easy as5
they say it is. It hurts your back and it's quite6
painful. So, when I ordered the ABTronic System, I find7
that it's more comfortable and it actually does what they8
say, and it tones your muscles.9
TODD JENSEN: Bodybuilders and professional10
athletes use random programs so their muscles won't11
become resistant to repetitive exercise. In fact, 12
we asked champion bodybuilder, Idrise Ward-El, to test13
the ABTronic Fitness System in preparation for14
ON SCREEN: Idrise Ward-El16
Professional Bodybuilder17
IDRISE WARD-EL: When I first used the ABTronic18
System, it looked small and I didn't have any idea what19
it would feel like. When I did use it, I had a very20
strong contraction, a lot stronger than doing sit-ups. 21
Even after 100 sit-ups, you don't get the kind of22
contraction you get here, because normally, when doing23
sit-ups you get tired first. Then it starts to work.24
Doing the first ABTronic Systems, the first25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
contraction feels like you've done already 100, 150 sit-1
ups. Most people do sit-ups incorrectly. They do2
crunches incorrectly. And some people are physically3
unable to do crunches or sit-ups. So, the ABTronic4
System will help all those individuals. They don't have5
to worry about whether or not they're holding behind6
their neck, they're messing with their spinal cord, and7
those who physically can't do them don't have to worry8
about that as well.9
ON SCREEN: Comparison of the Effects of10
Electrical Stimulation & Exercise on Abdominal11
(Univ. of Maryland)13
Reprint of Journal Ortho. Sports Phys. Ther,14
(one line illegible)15
JULIE SHIPLEY: Seven doctors from the17
University of Maryland did a four-week study on abdominal18
strength of 31 healthy volunteers.19
ON SCREEN: Bar graph20
Electronic Stimulation plus Exercise21
TODD JENSEN: That study shows that exercise23
combined with electronic muscle stimulation increased the24
subject's strength by 47 percent. 25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
ON SCREEN: Bar graph1
41% increase only 6% increase2
Electronic stimulation Exercise Alone3
TODD JENSEN: Electronic stimulation, by4
itself, with no additional exercise, increased abdominal5
muscle strength by 41 percent. Exercise alone only6
accounted for a 6 percent increase.7
JULIE SHIPLEY: Their conclusion was that8
electronic stimulation was much better than exercise9
alone. That proves that you get better results by use of10
the ABTronic Fitness System whether you use it as a11
supplement to your normal workout or just by itself. 12
ON SCREEN: Dr. Julio Garcia13
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon14
DR. JULIO GARCIA: Well, as a physician, what15
we all know is if we all want to maintain our muscle mass16
in order to stay healthy, especially in advanced age, the17
more muscle mass you have, the healthier you're going to18
be and that's something we all are concerned about,19
especially men and women as we get older.20
Now, the nice thing about the ABTronic System21
is you don't have to go to a gymnasium where you have to22
do weight lifting exercises, where we may have some other23
medical problems that would prevent you from doing that,24
whether it's high blood pressure or bad joints. The25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
ABTronic causes a firm contraction of the muscle1
stimulating that muscle whether you want to or not, it's2
going to contract, we're going to get that muscle tone3
and maintain that muscle mass so you maintain that and4
you're healthier and look better for the rest of your5
ON SCREEN: Idrise Ward-El7
Professional Bodybuilder8
IDRISE WARD-EL: Using the ABTronic System is a9
lot safer than using any -- any other ab or crunch10
mechanism. Most abdominal systems, as far as when you11
roll out with the roller or you do crunches or you do12
sit-ups, they all compromise the spinal cord. Sometimes13
they compromise the shoulder girdle. And the ABTronic14
System has nothing to do with compromising any part of15
your physical body.16
ON SCREEN: Dana Washington17
Event Planner18
Results vary based on use and muscle response19
DANA WASHINGTON: Usually when I go to the gym,20
I do stomach exercises on the floor, and when I'm on the21
floor, it's always hurting my lower back or just -- it's22
uncomfortable. And when I'm using the ABTronic Fitness23
System, I can be in any position I want to be in.24
ON SCREEN: ABTronic vs. Ab Machine Comparison25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
TODD JENSEN: We also did our own comparison,1
asking two physically fit people to go on an ab machine2
in a gym four weeks apart, and we did not put them on any3
specific diet and we did not ask them to eliminate their4
normal fitness routines. 5
ON SCREEN: 100 pounds 140 pounds6
+ 40 lbs.7
TODD JENSEN: Alice increased the amount of8
weights she could lift by 40 pounds --9
ON SCREEN: 80 pounds 130 pounds10
+ 50 lbs.11
TODD JENSEN: -- and Jennifer improved by 5012
pounds in about one month's time.13
JULIE SHIPLEY: We wanted to see what people14
just like you thought of the ABTronic Fitness System. So15
we took our cameras to the top of the Las Vegas strip,16
into the Tower Shops at the Stratosphere Hotel and17
Casino, and asked for volunteers. Watch what happened.18
ON SCREEN: Jaime19
Las Vegas20
JAIME: Oh, my God. Ahhh, ahhh. Oh, wow. 21
Kind of like an inside tickle.22
Las Vegas24
BETH: Look what it's doing. This is kind of25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
cool. I want to get one of these.1
New York 3
MATT: It feels like little hands punching my4
abdomen. But it -- it's -- I can feel it tightening up5
in here and in here.6
Los Angeles8
RICK: It's tightening -- tightening my abs. 9
So -- and I'm not doing anything.10
ON SCREEN: Carmen11
New York12
CARMEN: Basically, I feel the same tension I13
feel in my abdominal muscles by doing the same sit-ups I14
do without the effort.15
ON SCREEN: Roxanne16
Las Vegas17
ROXANNE: You could definitely sit at home and18
watch TV and do this and not break a sweat.19
Los Angeles21
RICK: This is perfect for me, somebody who22
doesn't want to work out and get it the easy way.23
ON SCREEN: Aquila24
Bronx, NY25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
AQUILA: I'm a teacher in New York and I can1
grab this while I'm working and the kids will never know.2
ON SCREEN: Carmen3
New York4
CARMEN: I got some friends with some beer5
bellies, they never want to exercise, this is the trick6
for them.7
ON SCREEN: Carlos8
Plano, TX9
This is a paid presentation for the ABTronic10
Fitness System11
CARLOS: Abs are probably one of my12
frustrations because I -- you do enough sit-ups, but you13
just don't get the results and then you just stop. This14
is pretty amazing.15
MALE ANNOUNCER: No time to work out? Fed up16
with all those exercise videos that become repetitive? 17
ON SCREEN: Large Red X on screen18
MALE ANNOUNCER: Tired of all those ab products19
that force you onto the floor?20
Now, here's the easiest way to get your body in21
the shape you want it. The future of fitness is finally22
here. Introducing the amazing ABTronic Fitness System. 23
Get ready to firm, tone and tighten your upper abs, lower24
abs and love handles with no sweat. ABTronic is the25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
electronic dream machine that will show you immediate1
improvement without strenuous time-consuming workouts. 2
You'll develop that six-pack you've always wanted in the3
easiest way imaginable.4
ABTronic is very safe and simple to use. You5
control the 10 intensity levels and you have a choice of6
six different exercise programs to choose from. Then,7
amazingly, watch as your ab muscles contract as if you're8
doing a sit-up. That's right. Your muscles are moving9
but you are not. ABTronic will work you out while10
watching television, shopping, working, walking, any11
place you want, any time you want. Ten minutes on the12
ABTronic is the equivalent of 600 sit-ups. That's why we13
guarantee you'll lose two inches off your midsection in14
less than a month or your money back.15
You can also target your arms, chest, buns or16
thighs. And because there are no wires or pads, you can17
even wear ABTronic under your clothes and no one will18
know it's there but you. 19
ON SCREEN: Not available in stores20
The future of fitness with no sweat21
MALE ANNOUNCER: ABTronic is not available in23
stores. This special TV offer is the only place you can24
get it. So, pick up the phone and call the number on25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
your screen. 1
ON SCREEN: $600 (crossed out with red x)2
The future of fitness with no sweat3
MALE ANNOUNCER: Other electronic machines sell5
for as much as $600. But ABTronic is available to you6
right now for five payments of $29.95.7
ON SCREEN: 5 payments $29.958
(plus S+H)9
The future of fitness with no sweat10
MALE ANNOUNCER: But hold on, for a limited12
time, you can purchase ABTronic for only four easy13
payments of $29.95. 14
ON SCREEN: 4 payments $29.95 15
(plus S+H)16
The future of fitness with no sweat17
MALE ANNOUNCER: That's one full payment off19
the normal price. 20
- Instruction manual22
- Weight-Loss plan23
- 2nd battery24
- Slim Down Firming Gel25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
The future of fitness with no sweat1
MALE ANNOUNCER: And that's not all. You'll3
also get an easy to read instruction manual, the4
exclusive ABTronic Advanced Weight Loss booklet, a spare5
battery and a special ABTronic slim down firming gel to6
give you maximum results quickly. 7
ON SCREEN: Value $40 FREE8
The future of fitness with no sweat9
MALE ANNOUNCER: These extras are valued at11
$40, but they're yours free with the purchase of the12
ABTronic Fitness System.13
ON SCREEN: Value $20 FREE14
The future of fitness with no sweat15
MALE ANNOUNCER: But wait, if you call within17
the next 29 minutes, we'll also send you this handsome18
traveling bag, valued at $20 -- 19
ON SCREEN: Ideal for travel20
The future of fitness with no sweat21
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- so you can carry your23
ABTronic Fitness System anywhere you want.24
ON SCREEN: Buns Thighs Arms25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
The future of fitness with no sweat1
MALE ANNOUNCER: And there's more, for a3
limited time, you'll also receive a second shorter belt4
perfect for placing around your thighs or arms. 5
The future of fitness with no sweat7
MALE ANNOUNCER: Normally, this would be sold9
separately, but it's yours free with the purchase today10
of the ABTronic Fitness System. 11
ON SCREEN: 30 day money back GUARANTEE12
The future of fitness with no sweat13
MALE ANNOUNCER: And you also get an15
unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not16
satisfied, just return it for a refund of the purchase17
price --18
ON SCREEN: FREE just for trying the ABTronic19
The future of fitness with no sweat20
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- and keep the firming gel22
and weight loss booklet on us for free.23
ON SCREEN: 4 payments $29.95 24
(plus S+H)25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
The future of fitness with no sweat1
MALE ANNOUNCER: So, call the number on your3
screen and get ready to tighten your abs like you've4
never seen them before. Professional athletes,5
astronauts and physical therapists have used it. Now6
it's your turn. Put your workout on auto pilot, the7
amazing ABTronic Fitness System. Call now.8
JULIE SHIPLEY: Many people blame their9
shapeless waistline on excessive weight.10
TODD JENSEN: When the real culprit is a lack11
of muscle tone. 12
JULIE SHIPLEY: Poor muscle tone allows the13
waistline to bulge outwards and droop down into the14
pelvic girdle. 15
TODD JENSEN: But with regular use of the16
ABTronic Fitness System, you can pull that body back into17
shape with no sweat. 18
JULIE SHIPLEY: And firm up flabbiness and19
tighten up unsightly bulges.20
ON SCREEN: Alice Roussos21
Interior Designer22
Lost 2 inches Before & After photos23
ALICE ROUSSOS: What I noticed most after using24
the ABTronic System was a clearer definition in the25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
muscle tone. The muscles show much better, and after1
only three weeks, I've lost two inches already.2
ON SCREEN: John Trad3
Sales Manager4
Results vary based on use and muscle response5
JOHN TRAD: Well, I've been using the ABTronic6
System for three weeks. I've lost three inches in my7
waist. I feel great. I don't have love handles like I8
did before and I enjoy it.9
ON SCREEN: Dr. Ann Lewis10
Oral Surgeon11
Before & After photos12
DR. ANN LEWIS: After using the ABTronic System13
for about two months, I noticed that my abdominals were14
more cut. They have more definition, which is what I was15
looking for. 16
ON SCREEN: Charles Magruder17
Stock Broker18
Lost 3 inches Before & After photos19
CHARLES MAGRUDER: I concentrated the ABTronic20
System on my stomach and after about two and a half21
months, I noticed about a three-inch reduction in my22
waistline. It was very noticeable.23
ON SCREEN: Kathy Horn24
Tanning Salon Owner25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
Before & After photos1
KATHY HORN: After using the ABTronic System,2
I've lost three inches on my waist in the matter of two3
weeks and my abdominals look so much better. I can wear4
lower pants, which I usually have a problem wearing pants5
like that after having a child, and it's worked wonders.6
ON SCREEN: Animation7
#1 Karate Chop8
#2 Tap Massage9
#3 General Exercise10
#4 Crunch Craze11
#5 Iron Man12
#6 Fat Blaster Cellulite13
TODD JENSEN: ABTronic gives you a choice of14
six different training modes, the karate chop mode, the15
tap massage mode or what I like to call the woodpecker16
mode, the general exercise mode, the crunch craze17
program, the advanced iron man program, and the fat18
blaster cellulite mode.19
The karate chop and woodpecker modes are the20
best for ab work because of the steady contractions,21
comparable to doing 600 sit-ups in 10 minutes. But22
remember, the ABTronic is doing all the work for you.23
ON SCREEN: Sandra Lopez24
Certified Fitness Trainer25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
SANDRA LOPEZ: When using the ABTronic System,1
I preferred the karate chop and the iron man. I usually2
like to put them on an intermediate to high level because3
it -- you really feel it -- I really feel it working that4
way. It just -- it feels like a deep tissue massage or5
something. It just like really gets deep into the muscle6
and it's great, I love it. It works.7
JULIE SHIPLEY: The random modes give you an8
overall workout. You never know what's coming. These9
are used by sports trainers, fitness competitors, martial10
artists and pro athletes. I also use the cellulite11
buster on the back of my legs. It's a low intensity mode12
that's continuously on and it works wonders.13
ON SCREEN: Marilyn Jones14
MARILYN JONES: Besides using it on my abs,16
I've also put it on my thighs and the ABTronic System is17
fantastic for the thighs. It really gives you a18
fantastic workout, better than anything. In fact, it's19
better than squats and leg lifts.20
TODD JENSEN: Whether you prefer a lighter21
massaging motion, a quick impulsive powerful workout or22
the advanced iron man program that gives you a more23
extensive workout, we promise that you'll find a level on24
the ABTronic Fitness System that will work any and all of25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
your problem areas, and with absolutely no sweat. That's1
You've just got to try it to see what we're so3
excited about.4
ON SCREEN: Jay Horn5
Police Officer6
JAY HORN: I've had a bad problem with this --7
love handles on the side. Everybody has them, I think. 8
And using the ABTronic System has really taken off inches9
off my sides, and even my wife has seen it and noticed10
it, and I like that.11
ON SCREEN: Dawn Hathaway12
VP, Executive Staffing Firm13
DAWN HATHAWAY: I've done crunches after14
workout both on the floor and with abdominal machines and15
neither one is very comfortable, to be frank. 16
ON SCREEN: comfortable17
saves time18
DAWN HATHAWAY: The ABTronic System was a19
pleasure in that you could have the belt on and not be20
lying on the ground and people aren't looking at you and21
stepping over you and it, besides saving time, just was a22
real pleasure to use.23
JULIE SHIPLEY: And remember, you can wear24
ABTronic walking, at work, traveling, shopping, watching25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
television, surfing the Internet, anywhere, any time.1
TODD JENSEN: No one will even know you're2
wearing it. It fits right under your clothes.3
ON SCREEN: Samantha Kolari4
Human Resources Recruiter5
use while:6
- cooking7
- cleaning8
- laundry9
- computer10
- traveling11
SAMANTHA KOLARI: I've used the ABTronic System12
at home while I was cooking, cleaning, doing laundry. 13
I've used it while I'm working on my computer. I've used14
it, also, on the airplane. It's a very small unit so I15
don't -- it's not as noticeable and it makes it very16
convenient for me to use it everywhere I go.17
ON SCREEN: Sandra Lopez18
Certified Fitness Trainer19
SANDRA LOPEZ: The ABTronic System is very20
practical. I can't see myself putting an Ab Roller or21
something in my purse, whereas the ABTronic System I can22
put in my purse. I can cook, I can clean, I can read23
with it on and it -- I can just do so many things at once24
and still get a great workout, and I will definitely25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
recommend it to my friends. There's no doubt about it.1
ON SCREEN: Dr. Julio Garcia2
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon3
DR. JULIO GARCIA: The thing about the system 4
is it's applicable for men, women, young and old and it5
gives them that sleek appearance, not that muscle kind of6
gymnasium type, you know, bulky appearance that people7
are trying to avoid, but a healthy yet toned appearance. 8
The ABTronic really has achieved that.9
TODD JENSEN: Well, our time with you nice10
people is almost up. We've shown you the test results,11
the demonstrations. One thing we can't do is pick up the12
phone and make that call. So, order the ABTronic Fitness13
System that does all the work for you and gets you those14
toned, tight and firm abs in no time. ABTronic is not15
available in stores, so there are only a few minutes left16
for you to order one from this special TV offer.17
JULIE SHIPLEY: Now is the time to put the18
ABTronic Fitness System into your life. 19
ON SCREEN: Do not use during pregnancy or with20
a pacemaker, cardiac condition, epilepsy, multiple21
TODD JENSEN: How can you beat it? A great23
workout with no hassle, no driving, no injuries and no24
sweat. 25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
ON SCREEN: This is a paid presentation for the1
ABTronic Fitness System2
TODD JENSEN: Here's your last chance to order3
and thank you for joining us.4
ON SCREEN: 1-800-210-55885
MALE ANNOUNCER: No time to work out? Fed up6
with all those exercise videos that become repetitive? 7
ON SCREEN: Large Red X on screen8
MALE ANNOUNCER: Tired of all those ab products9
that force you onto the floor?10
Now, here's the easiest way to get your body in11
the shape you want it. The future of fitness is finally12
here. Introducing the amazing ABTronic Fitness System. 13
Get ready to firm, tone and tighten your upper abs, lower14
abs and love handles with no sweat. ABTronic is the15
electronic dream machine that will show you immediate16
improvement without strenuous time-consuming workouts. 17
You'll develop that six-pack you've always wanted in the18
easiest way imaginable.19
ABTronic is very safe and simple to use. You20
control the 10 intensity levels and you have a choice of21
six different exercise programs to choose from. Then,22
amazingly, watch as your ab muscles contract as if you're23
doing a sit-up. That's right. Your muscles are moving24
but you are not. ABTronic will work you out while25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
watching television, shopping, working, walking, any1
place you want, any time you want. Ten minutes on the2
ABTronic is the equivalent of 600 sit-ups. That's why we3
guarantee you'll lose two inches off your midsection in4
less than a month or your money back.5
You can also target your arms, chest, buns or6
thighs. And because there are no wires or pads, you can7
even wear ABTronic under your clothes and no one will8
know it's there but you. 9
ON SCREEN: Not available in stores10
The future of fitness with no sweat11
MALE ANNOUNCER: ABTronic is not available in13
stores. This special TV offer is the only place you can14
get it. So, pick up the phone and call the number on15
your screen. 16
ON SCREEN: $600 (crossed out with red x)17
The future of fitness with no sweat18
MALE ANNOUNCER: Other electronic machines sell20
for as much as $600. But ABTronic is available to you21
right now for five payments of $29.95.22
ON SCREEN: 5 payments $29.9523
(plus S+H)24
The future of fitness with no sweat25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
MALE ANNOUNCER: But hold on, for a limited2
time, you can purchase ABTronic for only four easy3
payments of $29.95. 4
ON SCREEN: 4 payments $29.95 5
(plus S+H)6
The future of fitness with no sweat7
MALE ANNOUNCER: That's one full payment off9
the normal price. 10
- Instruction manual12
- Weight-Loss plan13
- 2nd battery14
- Slim Down Firming Gel15
The future of fitness with no sweat16
MALE ANNOUNCER: And that's not all. You'll18
also get an easy to read instruction manual, the19
exclusive ABTronic Advanced Weight Loss booklet, a spare20
battery and a special ABTronic slim down firming gel to21
give you maximum results quickly. 22
ON SCREEN: Value $40 FREE23
The future of fitness with no sweat24
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
MALE ANNOUNCER: These extras are valued at1
$40, but they're yours free with the purchase of the2
ABTronic Fitness System.3
ON SCREEN: Value $20 FREE4
The future of fitness with no sweat5
MALE ANNOUNCER: But wait, if you call within7
the next 29 minutes, we'll also send you this handsome8
traveling bag, valued at $20 -- 9
ON SCREEN: Ideal for travel10
The future of fitness with no sweat11
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- so you can carry your13
ABTronic Fitness System anywhere you want.14
ON SCREEN: Buns Thighs Arms15
The future of fitness with no sweat16
MALE ANNOUNCER: And there's more, for a18
limited time, you'll also receive a second shorter belt19
perfect for placing around your thighs or arms. 20
ON SCREEN: 2nd Belt FREE21
The future of fitness with no sweat22
MALE ANNOUNCER: Normally, this would be sold24
separately, but it's yours free with the purchase today25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
of the ABTronic Fitness System. 1
ON SCREEN: 30 day money back GUARANTEE2
The future of fitness with no sweat3
MALE ANNOUNCER: And you also get an5
unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not6
satisfied, just return it for a refund of the purchase7
price --8
ON SCREEN: FREE just for trying the ABTronic9
The future of fitness with no sweat10
MALE ANNOUNCER: -- and keep the firming gel12
and weight loss booklet on us for free.13
ON SCREEN: 4 payments $29.95 14
(plus S+H)15
The future of fitness with no sweat16
MALE ANNOUNCER: So, call the number on your18
screen and get ready to tighten your abs like you've19
never seen them before. Professional athletes,20
astronauts and physical therapists have used it. Now21
it's your turn. Put your workout on auto pilot, the22
amazing ABTronic Fitness System. Call now.23
ON SCREEN: 1-800-210-558824
DR. JULIO GARCIA: The ABTronic causes a firm25
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
contraction of the muscle stimulating that muscle whether1
you want to or not, it's going to contract, we're going2
to get that muscle tone and maintain that muscle mass so3
you maintain that and you're healthier and look better4
for the rest of your life.5
ON SCREEN: The preceding was a paid commercial6
for the ABTronic Fitness System, brought to you by7
ABTronic. 8
MALE ANNOUNCER: The preceding was a paid9
commercial for the ABTronic Fitness System brought to you10
by ABTronic.11
(The infomercial was concluded.) 12
For The Record, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
C E R T I F I C A T I O N O F T Y P I S T1
MATTER NUMBER: 0223145 3
CASE TITLE: AbTronic Electronic Fitness System 4
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the transcript contained8
herein is a full and accurate transcript of the tapes9
transcribed by me on the above cause before the FEDERAL10
TRADE COMMISSION to the best of my knowledge and belief.11
DATED: FEBRUARY 14, 2002 13
C E R T I F I C A T I O N O F P R O O F R E A D E R18
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I proofread the transcript for20
accuracy in spelling, hyphenation, punctuation and21