In Washington state, all real and personal property is
subject to tax unless specically exempted by law.
Property tax was the rst tax levied in the state of
Washington. Today, property tax accounts for about
30% of total state and local taxes. It connues to be the
most important revenue source for public schools, re
protecon, libraries, and parks and recreaon.
The informaon contained in this publicaon is current
at the me of producon. However, state tax laws, their
interpretaon, and their applicaon can change because
of legislave acon, reviews, or court decisions. This
publicaon will not reect these changes.
Property values
State law requires that assessors appraise property at
100% of its true and fair market value in money, according
to the highest and best use of the property. Fair market
value, or true value, is the amount of money that a willing
and unobligated buyer is willing to pay a willing and
unobligated seller.
Real property
Real property includes land, improvements to land,
structures, and certain equipment axed to structures.
Characteriscs of real property that inuence the value
include but are not limited to zoning, locaon, view,
geographic features, easements, covenants, and the
condion of surrounding properes.
The assessor values real property using one or more of
the following appraisal methods:
Market or sales comparison approach to value is
determined, or esmated, based on mulple sales of
similar properes. Most residenal property is valued
using this method.
Cost approach to value is determined based on the
cost of replacing an exisng structure with a similar
one that serves the same purpose. This method is
commonly used to value new construcon.
Income approach to value is determined based on the
income producing potenal of the property. This
method is used primarily to value business property.
Personal property
The primary characterisc of personal property is
mobility. Personal property includes furnishings,
machinery and equipment, xtures, supplies, and tools.
Most personal property owned by individuals is
specically exempt. However, if these items are used in
a business, personal property tax applies. For detailed
informaon about personal property tax, please refer to
the Personal Property Tax publicaon.
Changes to property values
All counes revalue properes each year and are required
to do physical inspecons at least once every six years.
If your appraised property value changes, you will receive
a change of value noce that lists the old and new
appraised value of land and improvements. By comparing
the two values, you can determine if your appraised
property value has increased or decreased.
The assessed value of your property may be less than the
appraised value if you are receiving any type of property
tax exempon or reducon.
Valuaon noces are not tax bills. An increase in value
does not necessarily mean that next year’s property taxes
will increase at a proporonate rate.
Homeowner’s Guide to
Property Tax
This fact sheet provides general informaon about Washington’s
property tax. For more informaon or to get answers to specic
quesons, please contact your local county assessors oce.
JUNE 2023
Property tax rates and limitaons
Property tax rates are expressed in dollars per thousand
dollars of assessed property value. Assessors set the
levy rate based on the taxing districts budget request,
the total assessed value of the taxing district, and any
applicable levy limitaons.
Property tax levy limitaons restrict or limit increases to
property tax rates. Two such limitaons include the One-
Percent Constuonal Limit and the Levy Limit.
The 1% constuonal limit
Washington State’s Constuon limits the regular (non-
voted) combined property tax rate that applies to an
individual’s property to 1% of market value ($10 per
$1,000). Voter approved special levies, such as special
levies for schools, are in addion to this amount.
The levy limit
The levy limit applies to a taxing districts levy amount,
and not to increases in the assessed value of individual
properes. The limit is based on the populaon of the
district as well as the districts need to increase revenue.
The law restricts taxing districts from levying, in any year,
more than a 1% increase in its regular, non-voted levy
over the highest amount that could have been levied since
A taxing district with a populaon below 10,000 must
adopt a resoluon/ordinance to be able to increase its
levy up to the 1% limit.
Taxing districts with a populaon of 10,000 or more are
limited to the lesser of 1% or the rate of inaon with the
adopon of a resoluon/ordinance. If the rate of inaon
is less than one percent, the district could increase its
levy up to the 1% limit if it can show substanal need for
addional funds and its governing board passes a second
Because the levy limit does not include new construcon,
annexaons, and voter approved excess levies, a taxing
districts actual revenue increase may be greater than 1%.
Appeal of true and fair market value
If you do not agree with the assessed value of your
property, you are encouraged to contact your local county
assessors oce. You can nd a full list here: dor.wa.gov/
Disagreements of property values are oen seled at this
level. You may request copies of the comparable sales
informaon the assessor used to value your property.
If you are unable to reach an agreement, you may le an
appeal with the county board of equalizaon (BOE) in the
county where the property is located. Appeal forms are
available at the assessors oce, BOE oce or
The completed peon must be led with the BOE by July
1 of the assessment year you are appealing or within 30
days of the date the change of value noce was mailed,
whichever date is later. Some counes have extended
the ling deadline up to 60 days. Please check with the
Board of Equalizaon in the county where the property is
located to determine your ling deadline.
If you or the assessor disagrees with the BOE
determinaon, their decision can be appealed to the State
Board of Tax Appeals (BTA). If the appeal at the BTA is a
“formal” appeal compared to an “informal” appeal, the
decision made by the BTA can be appealed in Superior
Informaon needed to appeal
The appeal form must include specic reasons why you
believe the assessors valuaon is incorrect. Examples may
include an appraisal of your property as of the assessment
date in queson, excessive deterioraon of your property
or sales of similar properes reecng a lower value for
your property. Statements that the assessors valuaon is
too high or property taxes are excessive are not sucient
For a successful appeal, you must provide market
evidence that clearly shows the assessors valuaon is
incorrect. This evidence may include informaon on sales
of comparable properes in your area or documentaon
about condions of the property that the assessor may
not have known. For example, the land is not suitable for
a sepc system or is not suitable for a building site.
If you have any quesons about appeal procedures,
please contact your local BOE or the assessors oce. The
telephone numbers are listed in the county government
secon of the telephone directory.
You must provide market evidence that the
assessed value does not reect true and fair market
Property tax rates vary
Many factors determine property tax rates, the amount
of property tax due on comparable properes will
vary throughout a county. The three main factors that
determine the tax rate include:
Various combinaons of taxing districts in dierent
areas of the county.
Budget amounts for each taxing district.
Voter-approved special levies
and bonds.
Calculang your taxes
If you know the assessed value of your property and
the tax levy rate, you can calculate the amount of tax.
For example, if the assessed value of your property is
$150,000 and the levy rate is $9.41 per thousand dollars
of value, your tax will be $1,411.50.
$150,000 x .00941 ($9.41 per $1,000)
$1,411.50 tax liability
How to pay your property taxes
Property tax statements are mailed by the county
treasurer in February of each year. To avoid interest and
penales, at least half of the amount due must be paid by
April 30 (if the tax is less than $50 it must be paid in full by
April 30) and the balance by October 31. You can pay your
property tax in person or by mail. Some counes are now
accepng electronic payments via the county treasurer
website. Check with your county treasurer to see if this
opon is available to you. When paying by mail, be sure to
write the tax parcel or account number on your check and
include the tax statement payment stub.
Many lending companies pay the property tax for the
homeowner from a property tax reserve account. In
this case, tax statements are sent directly to the lending
company. If your lending company pays the tax directly
and you would like to receive informaon, please contact
your local county treasurers oce.
If you have quesons about paying your property taxes,
please contact your local county treasurers oce.
Where your property tax money goes
Reducons, exempons, deferrals and
Destroyed property
Any real or personal property that has been destroyed
in whole or part, or is in an area that has been declared
a disaster area by the governor or the county legislave
authority and has been reduced in value by more than
20% may be eligible for a property assessment reducon
and or abatement of property taxes. Destroyed property
form applicaons are available at your assessors oce or
on line at dor.wa.gov/sites/default/les/2022-02/64-0003.
Current use program and designated forest land
Owners of agricultural, open space, mber land, or
designated forest land may qualify for a reduced
assessment under the current use program or as
designated forest land. However, addional tax, interest,
Cies &
* Other includes regional libraries, parks and recreaon,
emergency medical, and hospital districts. (Distribuon of 2015
tax year)
and penales or compensang tax may apply when
property is removed from classicaon.
Applicaons must be received by Dec. 31 for a reducon
in assessment the following year. Applicaon forms are
available through the assessors oce.
Property tax exempon for senior cizens and disabled
This program freezes the value of your residence (as
of January 1 of the inial year of applicaon), exempts
all excess levies, and may exempt a poron of regular
levies, thereby reducing the amount of property tax due.
Senior cizens, veterans with a 100% service-connected
disability, and disabled persons may qualify. Household
income determines eligibility and level of exempon. The
county assessor approves or denies applicaons for this
Three-year tax exempon on value of remodel
If you improve your single family residence such as adding
a new room, deck, or pao, you may qualify for a three-
year tax exempon on the value of the improvements.
Normal maintenance does not qualify. To receive the
exempon, you must apply through your local county
assessors oce prior to beginning your remodeling
Other exempon
Churches, government enes, and many nonprot
agencies are exempt from property tax if they use
property for a tax-exempt purpose. The Department of
Revenue determines which properes are entled to the
exempon based on laws enacted by the Legislature.
Under these programs, the state of Washington pays
all, or a poron, of your property taxes on your behalf.
Unlike the tax exempons, deferred taxes are a lien
on the property. The lien becomes payable, together
with interest, upon sale, transfer, or inheritance of the
property, or when the home is no longer your primary
residence. The county assessor approves or denies
applicaons for the deferral programs.
Property tax deferral program for senior cizens and
disabled persons
If qualied, you can defer your property taxes and special
assessments in an amount up to 80% of the equity in your
home. Senior cizens and disabled persons may qualify.
Household income and equity determine eligibility. The
current interest rate is set in statute and is 5%.
Property tax deferral program for homeowners with
limited income
If qualied, you can defer your second half property taxes,
due in October, in an amount up to 40% of the equity in
your home. There is no age or disability requirement but
you must have owned your home for at least ve years.
Household income and equity determine eligibility. The
interest rate varies annually, as provided in statute, and is
based on an average of the federal short-term rate, plus
Property tax assistance for widows or widowers of
This program is a grant assistance program to help you
pay property taxes. Senior cizens and disabled persons
who are widows or widowers of a veteran may qualify.
Age or disability, household income, and your spouse’s
veteran status at the me of his/her death determine
eligibility for this program. The Department of Revenue
administers this program and approves or denies claims
for assistance.
PT0012 06/02/2023
Important dates to remember
January 1
Real and personal property is valued for taxes due next
March 31
Applicaons due for Senior/Disabled Deferral and Widow/
Widower Assistance.
April 30
First half of property taxes due.
Personal Property lisng forms due to assessor.
May 1
1% per month (12% per annum) assessed on delinquent
June 1
3% penalty assessed on current year’s delinquent taxes.
July 1
Deadline for appeals to the County Board of Equalizaon
on current years assessment; or 30 days from date of
nocaon, whichever is later.
August 31
New construcon placed on current assessment roll at the
valuaon assessed July 31.
September 1
Limited Income Deferral applicaons due.
October 31
Second half of property taxes due.
December 1
8% penalty assessed on current year's delinquent tax.
December 31
Current Use Program and Designated Forest Land
applicaons due.
Property tax exempon applicaons for senior cizens
and disabled persons due.
For general informaon, contact the
Department of Revenue
Telephone Informaon Center, 360-705-6705.
For tax assistance or to request this document in an
alternate format, visit dor.wa.gov or call 360-705-
6705. Teletype (TTY) users may use the Washington
Relay Service by calling 711.
Need more informaon?
The following publicaons are available from your local
county assessors oce. You may also obtain a copy from
the Department of Revenue online at dor.wa.gov or by
calling 360-534-1400.
Personal Property Tax.
Nonprot Organizaons.
Property Tax Deferrals for Senior Cizens and People
with Disabilies.
Property Tax Deferrals for Homeowners With Limited
Property Tax Exempons for Senior Cizens and
People with Disabilies.
Assistance Program for Widows or Widowers of
Open Space Taxaon Act.
Appealing your Property Tax Valuaon to the County
Board of Equalizaon.
Your local county assessors oce can answer quesons
Assessed values.
Personal property.
Current Use Program and Designated Forest Land.
Property Tax Deferrals for Senior Cizens and People
with Disabilies.
Property Tax Deferrals for Homeowners With Limited
Property Tax Exempons for Senior Cizens and
People with Disabilies.
Your local county treasurers oce can answer quesons
Tax statements.
Paying property tax.