Central Academy of Technology and Arts 1
Central Academy of Technology and Arts
Cougar Chronicle Volume 5; Issue 34 May 10, 2018
Dear CATA Families:
This past week our men’s golf team finished third in the NCHSAA 2A State
Championships, our women’s soccer team won in the first round of the NCHSAA
tournament and is playing a second round game at Owen High this Saturday.
Our Hands Helping Others and Beta Clubs, along with our CATA Lifesavers team
participated in the Union County Relay for Life and raised over $3,000, and our
HOSA club sponsored a fundraiser to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research
that raised nearly $1,000. In addition, we had a fabulous chorus/piano concert,
the PTSO held a breakfast to recognize our STAR students nominated by their
teachers for excellence in the classroom, our Information Systems Academy
partnered with Bank of America for a competition , and we thanked our
wonderful teachers with food and gifts for teacher appreciation week. We had a
wonderful Star Wars May the 4th be with you day. Please see more details in this
edition about this week’s past events. All students taking AP exams must park in
their assigned student parking lot spots. All students taking AP exams need to arrive at least 30
minutes before the scheduled exam time and park in their assigned spot in the student parking lot.
Students who earned Academic Bars and Letters for the Fall of 2017 are listed in this edition. The
names are posted outside of guidance. There is a Academic Bars and Letters breakfast on Wed. 5/23
from 8:40 to 9:10 AM in the Gym for students only.
Graduation Tickets are (available May 5 -June 5) Each senior will receive 4 FREE tickets.
Students may purchase additional tickets at $10.00 per ticket in the front office before or after school
or online on the school website under event tickets by clicking here. Please see more information
about tickets on the senior page in this edition. Attendance/Recovery letters and notifications have
been sent to students and parents. Please make sure students are recovering their unexcused
absences. Ladies and gentlemen of CATA, this is your official jury summons. Please report to jury duty
at 7:00pm on May 10, 11 or 12 and watch the Senior theater students' final show "12 Angry
Jurors". Tickets are $5 and available online only at www.cata.seatyourself.biz. Please purchase ahead
as seating is extremely limited. Academic Signing Days for our graduates are Monday, 5/21 (in the
CATA Auditorium) - Medical Academy at 8:50 am; Pre-Engineering Academy at 10:25 am; Performing
Arts Academy at 12:15 pm, and Tuesday, 5/22 (in the CATA Auditorium) - Transportation Academy at
9:00 am; Information Systems Academy at 11:00 am. If your senior will be receiving an award or
scholarship an invitation will be sent in the mail, but all senior parents are invited.
Seniors should report ALL scholarships they have been offered to Ms. Cole by 5/18. Please
see details inside this edition. Parent Volunteer Opportunity: Walter Bickett Elementary School is
looking for End of Grade testing proctors. The dates for testing are 5/15 to 5/17 from 7:30 AM until
2:00. Parents who want to proctor can call (704)283-8520 to volunteer. Alumni News: The CATA
Alumni Association is hosting a yard sale on 6/2 in the student parking lot. Please contact Deb
Christensen for more information about this event, and to sign up to sale at the event. Student
Athletic Physicals: The registration window has opened for the FREE Novant Physicals for Athletics in
June. Click here to register for a free physical and check out the flyer in this edition. Congratulations
are in order to our new CATA PTSO Board for the 2018/19 school year, which is listed in this edition. The
PTSO is seeking interested parents to serve as committee chairs for Fundraising and Membership.
Please contact catacougarcouncil@gmail.com for more information. Please take time to read over
this newsletter, the Cougar Chronicle is the main source of information from school to home. Please
also see our website, Facebook, and follow us on twitter (@cata_monroe). AT CATA we will continue
to work toward Leading the Way so that your child can lead the way in the future!
Go Cougars Dr. Fisenne
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 2
Please remember to report ALL scholarships that you
have been offered to Ms. Cole by May 18 if you want to be acknowl-
edged during the Academic Signing ceremony. You must provide an
electronic or hard copy of any scholarship you’ve been offered, wheth-
er you accept it or not. Scholarship offers can still be reported up until
June 4 in order to be counted towards the school’s total number.
Monday, May 21st (in the CATA Auditorium) - Medical Academy at 8:50
am; Pre-Engineering Academy at 10:25 am; Performing Arts Academy at
12:15 pm
Tuesday, May 22nd (in the CATA Auditorium) - Transportation Academy at
9:00 am; Information Systems Academy at 11:00 am
Academic Signing Day is the opportunity for CATA to allow each senior to be acknowl-
edged for their after high school plan - college, career, military, or work. Each senior will
be invited to the stage and "sign." In addition, we will be showing a Scholarship Slideshow
Presentation, Scholarships and Departmental Awards will be given out. SENIORS - please
wear your College T-shirt or colors!!! All senior parents are invited to attend these events. If
your senior will be receiving an award or scholarship an invitation will be sent in the mail.
All underclassman will attend the Academic Signing Days as well.
Graduation Tickets are (available May 5 -June 5)
The Graduation Ceremony is on Saturday, June 9, 2018, at 6:00 PM at
Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Each student will receive
4 FREE tickets. Students may purchase additional tickets at $10.00 per
ticket in the front office before or after school or online on the school
website under event tickets. All ages are required to have a ticket to en-
ter. Please note that students will NOT receive their tickets until all past-
due fees are paid at the school. Students will receive all tickets AFTER Graduation Practice on
June 8 at 2:00 PM in the gym (which is mandatory).
Our Academy Speakers at Graduation: Congratulations to the following stu-
dents who were selected as academy speakers at graduation this year: Payton Farley for
Transportation Systems; Sam Knittel for Pre-Engineering; Harrison Hockenberry for Infor-
mation Systems; Dumebi Okocha for Medical Sciences and Grace Plyler for Performing
Arts. A very special thanks to everyone who auditioned!
Senior Information
Graduation is Saturday, June 9, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Winthrop Coliseum
Please click here to see the Spring Senior Letter with Senior Week INFO.
Scholarship Information Click Here for more Senior Scholarship Information.
Please see Ms. Cole if you have questions about scholarships.
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 3
College and Career Corner
Class Information from the School Counselors
Student Opportunities
Attention Juniors: Are you interested in Broadcasting & Video Production?
Matthews United Methodist Church is looking for interns. Students will have
the opportunity to work with professional level video cameras, professional
video editing software, remote PTZ cameras, live video streaming through
Sling Studio, audio mixing, lighting, and so much more. Internship hours will
include evening hours and Sunday morning hours. If interested, please see
Mrs. Webb in guidance.
CATA Guidance Department
A high school guidance department can help your
student with a LOT during high schoolcounseling
during a problem/or stress, college planning, ca-
reer/college questions, interview skills, problem solv-
ing with classes/teachers, friendship/social issues.
Counselors also help with scheduling and what cours-
es to take. Counselors are available to answer par-
ent questions as well. Please see the list of counselors
by academy:
Ashley Lawson: Medical Science, Transportation &
Guidance Department Chairperson
Ashley Cole : Pre-Engineering and Performing Arts
(theatre & dance)
Sarah Goodwin: Information Systems (CyberSecurity,
Computer Engineering, Software & Game Design)
and Music Production & Re-cording Arts.
Sarah Webb: Career Development Coordinator for all
CTE based Academies.
Cougar Pride - Way to go!!
Thank you to all of our wonderful teachers for their dedi-
cation and hard work! We showered them with food and
Blumey Award Best Actor Nominee: Sayo Oni as Chip ; Best Actress Nomi-
nee: Halle Dunn as Hildy Esterhazy UPDATE: Sayo Oni has made it to the
final six. Good luck Sayo.
Congratulations to the following students who were selected as academy
speakers at graduation this year: Payton Farley for Transportation Systems;
Sam Knittel for Pre-Engineering; Harrison Hockenberry for Information Sys-
tems; Dumebi Okocha for Medical Sciences and Grace Plyler for Performing
Arts. A very special thanks to everyone who auditioned!
The men’s golf team finished 3rd place in the NCHSAA 2 A State Cham-
The women’s soccer team advanced to the 2nd round of the NCHSAA 2
State Playoffs
The chorus and piano classes had a wonderful Spring Concert
Hands Helping Others and the BETA Club helped to lead our CATA Life
Savers team to raising over $3,000 for cancer research for the Union
County Relay for Life by selling Henna Tattoos and having patrons take
fun pictures at the event.
HOSA led the way in raising nearly $1,000 for Cystic Fibrosis Research.
Our Information Systems students partnered with Bank of America for a
competition among students.
The PTSO held a breakfast to recognize our STAR students nominated by
their teachers for excellence in the classroom.
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 4
Cougar Athletics
If you have questions about athletics or want to volunteer to help with athletics, please send an
email to Athletic Director, Coach Jay Niessner.
Make sure to follow all of CATA’s athletic teams on Twitter: @CATA_Athletics
Men’s Golf: Finished 3rd place in the
NCHSAA 2A State Championships
Softball: Season Completed
Baseball: Season Completed
Women’s Soccer: Won in the first round of
the NCHSAA State 2A Playoffs, 2-0 vs. North
Men’s Tennis: Season Completed
Track & Field: NCHSAA Regionals this Saturday
Upcoming Events:
Please follow the CATA Twitter & Facebook
feeds for the latest updates due to weather
and rescheduled events.
Saturday, May 10th,
Soccer @ Owen High School, 2nd Round
Playoff Game
Track @ the NCHSAA Regionals @ Surry Central
Dates to Know:
2017-18 School Year
Spring Sports Awards Night Monday, May 21
@ 7:00 pm
2018-19 School Year
Summer Dead Periods (No Workouts) July 2
July 6
& July 16
July 20
Fall Sports Parents Night Monday, July 23
7:00 pm
Day of Fall Sports Monday, July 30
, 2018
Spring Head Coaches Contact Information:
Athletic Director & Womens Soccer Jay Niessner
Mens Golf Mike Jacobus mike.jacobus@ucps.k12.nc.us
Track & Field Kim Inuwa Kimberly.inuwa@ucps.k12.nc.us
Mens Tennis Terry Lewis terrylewis@kw.com
Baseball Aaron Hammers aaron.hammers@ucps.k12.nc.us
Softball Gregory Peters Gregory.peters@ucps.k12.nc.us
Click on this ad
to register!
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 5
Around CATA
Friday, May 11 AP US History, 8 AM (PDC); AP Computer Science Principles, 12 PM (PDC); AP Studio Art due
by 8 PM; Senior Theatre Show, Twelve Angry Jurors, 7 PM
Saturday, May 12 Senior Theatre Show, Twelve Angry Jurors, 7 PM
Monday, May 14 AP Biology, 8 AM (PDC); AP Music Theory, 8 AM (Weddington High); Math Lab Tutoring
(3:30rm519); Robotics Club (3:30rm 118);
Tuesday, May 15 AP Calculus AB & BC, 8 AM (PDC); AP Computer Science 12 PM (Media Center); Jazz
Band/Chamber Winds (3:30Band room); Speech Workshops (3:45rm 110); Gaming Club (3:45rm 217);
Fashion Club (3:30rm616); GSA, 3:405 (Rm. 608)
Wednesday, May 16 AP English Language, 8 AM (PDC); Chess Club, 3:30 (Rm. 216); Creative Writing Club
3:30 (Rm. 610)
Thursday, May 17 Progress Reports; AP World History, 8 AM (Media Conference); AP Statistics Exam, 12 PM
(PDC); FCA (8 AM, Gym); Science Olympiad, 8 Am (Rm. 605); Jazz/Chamber winds (3:30 band room); Interpre-
tation workshop (3:45 rm 111); Debate Workshop (3:45 rm 609)
Friday, May 18 Spring Dance Concert, 7 PM, (Theatre)
Saturday, May 19Spring Dance Concert, 7 PM, (Theatre)
Sunday, May 20Blumey Awards, 7 PM (Charlotte)
Upcoming Events April, May, and June 6-1 to
5/7 to 5/11 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/21 to 5/25Senior Week (See the listed activities in the
senior letter and senior page in the newsletter
5/21 Spring Sports Awards Night, 7 PM (Theatre)
5/23 to 5/25AP Make Up Exams
5/23Bars and Letters Breakfast, 8:40 AM (Media Center)
5/23Site Based Management Team , 3:45 (Media Confer-
5/24Spring Band Show, 7 PM (Theatre)
5/28NO School, Memorial Day
5/31Band Reception and Banquet, 6:30 PM (Café and Auditorium
6/4 to 6/8Final Exams
6/8,Graduation Practice, 2 PM (Gym)
6/9Graduation, 6 PM (Winthrop University Coliseum)
Student Life Many of our student life organizations are listed on our website. Click here.
Please check the Around CATA Calendar posted above for Student Life Events this Week
Beta Club applications are now open for the 2018-2019 school year. You must be a rising sophomore, junior,
or senior to be eligible for membership. Pick up an application form from outside of Room 108. Applicants
must follow the instructions on the application for grade point average and teacher recommendations.
Applications must be submitted to Mrs. Henry no later than Friday, May 11.
Tri-M Music Honor Society is now accepting applications for all current CATA students for the 2018-2019
school year. All current members have to reapply as well. The deadline to apply is by Friday, May 11.
Please see Mr. Retzlaff for any questions. Students must have been enrolled in a band or chorus class at
least one semester and have a C average in all of their classes. Please visit the band website
www.cataband.org to apply today!
Final Exam Schedule
6/1Exam Review1st period during 1st pd.
6/41st period exam, 2nd period review
6/52nd period exam, 3rd period review
6/63rd period exam, 4th period review
6/74th period exam, Community Building
6/8Make-up Exam Day
2018 Yearbook
Yearbooks are on sale for $85.00. Be sure to remember to order
your yearbook! Order online at https://www.yearbookforever.com
(search for CATA) or bring in a check or cash to Ms. Christensen.
Make checks out to CATA. If you have any questions about year-
book sales or senior tributes, please contact Ms. Deb Christensen at
[email protected] or call 704-296-3088, ext. 7140.
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 6
Cougar Council PTSO Information
Click here to view important PTSO information, minutes, and agendas.
Congratulations are in order to our new CATA PTSO Board for the 2018/19 school year. A
big thank you to our outgoing PTSO Board. We appreciate all of your hard work and you
will be missed. If anyone is interested in being a committee chair we have several open-
ings for Fundraising and Membership chairs. Please con-
tact [email protected] for more information.
The PTSO will host the Senior Breakfast on May 24
President: Nicole D’Amico
Vice President: Meena Sreeraman,
Secretary: Sabrina Clontz,
Treasurer: Ann Helms,
Communications: Jeannine Kenary & Sarah May,
jmk1098@gmail.com, sarah.w.may@gmail.com
Carol Taldo & Megan Huffman
[email protected], meghuf5@yahoo.com
Performing Arts:
Carla Harrison & Janet Peirano
carlasharrison@yahoo.com, janetpeirano@yahoo.com
Fundraising: Vacant
Membership: Vacant
Parent Volunteer Opportunity: Walter Bickett Elementary
School is looking for End of Grade Testing Proctors. The
dates for testing are May 15 thru the 17
, the times are from
7:30 until 2:00. Parents that want to proctor can call
(704)283-8520 to inquire about volunteering.
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 7
Click Here for Information about attendance and absentee notes
People to contact for absences:
SCHOOL PHONE # (704)296-3088
FAX # (704)296-3090
Mrs. Nahum- School Secretary-
Mr. Smith- Data Manager-
Mrs. Riley- ISS and Absence Recovery Coordi-
nator- karen.riley@ucps.k12.nc.us
Technology Fees: The required technology user fee ($25) for your student is past due if it
was not paid before September 5th. This fee includes an insurance policy that covers accidental
damage. It is important to pay your fee so that if there is accidental damage to your child’s com-
puter that it is covered. You can pay this fee online at this link (click here).
Math Tutoring: We
have a general
Math Lab Tutoring
with Mr. Broome
on Monday after-
noons from 3:30 to
4:30 on Mondays
in room 519.
Be in the Know by following us on Twitter
Follow CATA at @cata_monroe
Performing Arts @CougarArts
Athletics @CATA_Athletics
Football @CATA_cougarfb
Band @catabanddirect
Student Council @StucoCata
Counseling @CATA_Counseling
Cheerleading @CATACougarCheer
Baseball @CATA_Baseball
Student Parking Passes SOLD OUT Students will be put on a waiting list
Parking passes are not guaranteed available throughout the school year. Once we sell out we will
start a waiting list. Students obtaining their license during the school year are not guar-
anteed a spot, and may have to wait until the following year to drive. We will have a
waitlist for those students bringing in all appropriate documentation. Please click here
for Parking Pass forms and further information. Past due fees must be paid before
parking passes are issued.
Bus Tracking App Now Availa-
ble: This school year, Union County
Public Schools (UCPS) parents will be
able to view the real-time location of
their child’s school bus on their
smartphones, tablets or computers.
Click here!
Volunteering at Central Academy:
We are happy to have our par-
ents volunteer for events, field
trips, and other school activities.
Please click here to fill out an ap-
plication to volunteer. There is a
new volunteer portal , so volunteers who are al-
ready approved should have received an auto-
mated email from the new system with instructions
on how to activate their volunteer status in the
new system .
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 8
Class of 2018 Spring Senior Letter
Dear Class of 2018,
We are very proud of every one of you. This spring semester we hope you will enjoy your time with
your friends, family, and teachers while maintaining high academic performance. We hope you will
have fond memories of CATA and of all the people here. Congratulations on making it to this point
in your academic career. We would like to provide you some updated information for of your senior
year. We ask that you review the entire letter with your family. We are excited about the remainder
of your senior year and want to be sure you know all necessary information and expectations.
Graduation: The ceremony is on Saturday, June 9, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Winthrop Coliseum (1162
Eden Terrace Rock Hill, SC 29733). Please arrive no later than 5:00 to line up. Please be aware of
traffic and plan accordingly to arrive on time. A map and directions will be provided for you on a
later date. If you have any questions or need directions, then please visit the website
Graduation Practice: Practice is on Friday, June 8, 2018 from 2:00-4:00 PM in the gym. Please arrive
no later than 1:45 PM. Please be aware that we must begin at 2:00. Please make sure to make
plans to attend the entire practice. Failure to do so will result in not walking at graduation. It is your
responsibility to schedule any college functions and work schedules around final exams, graduation
practice, and graduation itself. You do not have to wear your cap and gown to practice. If you are
speaking at graduation, then you should bring a copy of your speech so you can practice it a cou-
ple of times. You will not receive your tickets until the end of practice so make arrangements before-
Attire: Students are expected to dress appropriately and professionally since this is a dignified cere-
mony. Students at CATA are only permitted to wear CATA issued cords, medallions, and cap and
gown. No graduation regalia may be altered in any way.
Ladies: Ladies will need to wear an appropriate dress that is no longer than their gown or dark
slacks. There should be no collar showing with the gown. Flip-flops and tennis shoes are not
appropriate; however, dressy sandals are appropriate.
Gentlemen: dark pants, a white shirt, black or dark tie or bowtie. No tennis shoes or flip-flops
will be allowed.
If you have any questions about your attire, then please ask administration.
Senior Cap and Gown Picture: The above described dress code is what you are expected to
wear at the senior cap and gown picture on Tuesday, April 17 in the gym. This occurs during second
block and you must be present and in appropriate attire to be included in the picture (be here prior
to the start of 2
block if you flex. The Senior Cap and Gown photo will cost $15.
Senior Week is May 21-25: We will make a separate announcement about the Senior Week Field
Monday: Academic Signing Day- Medical Science (8:55 to 10:15), Pre-Engineering (10:30 11:45),
Performing Arts (12:15 to 1:30), Tie Dye Shirts, fourth period café and court yard
Tuesday: Academic Signing Day- Transportation Systems (9:00 to 10:10), Information Systems (11:00-
Wednesday: Field Day, Fourth Block
Thursday: Senior Breakfast, Crown making, and Yearbook Signing, First Block in the Café, Toga and
Crowns Day (Wear the crowns)
Friday: Senior Trip to the Whitewater Center in Charlotte, All Day
Senior Academic Signings: Each academy will continue with the new tradition of seniors signing for
their plans for college, military, or career. The signings will be on May 21-22 and all grade levels in
that academy will attend their Academy Signings. Signings will also include scholarship recogni-
tions, Academy and Department Awards as warranted. Parents of those receiving awards will be
invited to attend, but all academy senior parents are welcome.
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 9
Class of 2018 Spring Senior Letter Continued
Graduation Speeches: Each academy has one senior speak at graduation. A committee of the
faculty and staff of Central Academy choose the individuals for graduation speeches. Students
may audition for consideration to this committee on Wednesday, May 2 or Thursday, May 3 starting
at 3:45 in the media center conference room. Please pay attention to the announcements for infor-
mation on how to register to audition on May 2 and 3.
Past due fees: Past due fees must be paid before students may participate in Prom or Graduation.
Please make online technology payments through the Central Academy Website, and make all
other payments at the school with the bookkeeper. Mr. Edwards and other staff will be calling
about past due fees in an attempt to settle all fees by the end of April. Students will not receive
graduation packets, which include tickets if past due fees are not paid. Any unpaid fee owed to
the school or school system must be paid by Wednesday, June 6 to be allowed to participate in a
graduation ceremony. We are contacting parents and want to try to resolve fee issues as quickly as
Tickets: Tickets will be on sale beginning May 5 June 5 before/after school in the main office, and
will be available to be purchased online: Each senior will receive four (4) free tickets with the oppor-
tunity to buy extra tickets at $10.00 a ticket. Students can pre-purchase as many tickets as they
need (go to the CATA website, click on “Event Tickets” on the right tab starting May 5).
Tickets will also be sold at the door for $10 per ticket before the graduation ceremony.
Everyone (including children) must have a ticket to enter the arena.
Students will not receive their tickets until the end of Graduation practice.
Students owing fees will not receive tickets until fees are paid (see below).
Please keep your receipt for the tickets in case there are any questions.
Students can pay cash/check to pay for the tickets, or order online as shown above.
Graduating from high school is dependent upon earning the number and type of credits need-
ed to earn a diploma. Participating in the graduation ceremony is a privilege, one that your family
will truly value as they have spent a lot of time supporting you in your academic studies.
Extra Information about graduation day:
Graduates must park at the back of the coliseum this will be designated on the directions you
receive and signs will be up at the coliseum. Guests must park at the front of the coliseum. If any
of your guests a handicap accessible entrance at the front of the coliseum cars can drive up
to this entrance to drop their guest off and CATA staff will assist them in getting into the coliseum
while the driver parks the car.
Winthrop Coliseum will have police officers and security at the graduation event. Please remind
your guests that no noisemakers are permitted in the coliseum. The officers represent Winthrop
and will enforce the Winthrop rules. Guests to the ceremony should plan on arriving 30 minutes to
an hour in advance to allow for traffic. Winthrop will close the doors to the coliseum once the
graduation ceremony begins, so all guests need to be in place prior to the 6:00 start time.
Students should not bring any valuables with them, including phones, into the coliseum, as there
will be no place for them to store valuables. Please leave them with your parents.
A professional photographer will take pictures of the graduates receiving their diploma. Students
will receive information on how to order the pictures in their Senior Envelope that they get after
the ceremony. Only graduates and staff are permitted on the arena floor.
At the end of the graduation ceremony all seniors will proceed out of the coliseum and will use
the coliseum tunnel to exit at the back of the coliseum, where they will receive their actual diplo-
ma, final transcript, picture information, and other important items. An official transcript in a
sealed envelope will be in the packet. It is YOUR responsibility to mail it to your college. It is RE-
QUIRED by your college for admission. Please make plans to meet your families by walking
around the outside of the coliseum toward the front. There are plenty of places to take pictures
outside of the arena. Guests and graduates will not be able to stay inside the coliseum for pic-
Dr. Kim Fisenne, Principal
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 10
Academic Bars and Letters for the Fall 2017 Semester
Adelman, Maxwell Thomas
Ahmedov, Daniel Rustamovich
Ahmedov, David Rustamovich
Alamos, Catherin
Albrecht, Alex Christopher
Ali, Mariam Hamdy
Allred, Heather Michelle
Almeida, Dante Christopher
Anderson, Oliver Quinn
Anthony, Lauren Grace
Apodaca, Macario Cruz
Arinze, Chiyere Britney
Arnaud, Ashline Jonelle
Arnold, Kaili Brielle
Atkinson, Sophia Claire
Austin, Abrey Kennedy
Averill, Katelyn Elizabeth
Bain, Desiree Annazora
Baker Jr., Daniel Louis
Bandhy, Nicholas David
Barber, Leonardo Todd
Barnes, Channing Gaven
Barrera-Arrieta, Andrew
Barron, Tristen Bradley
Batchelor, Garrison Lee
Bates, Brett Michael
Baumgardner, Carrie Lynn
Bausinger, Steven Charles
Beard, Haley Elise
Benson, Ashley Marie
Blakeborough, Brandon Macclellan
Bliven, Matthew Thomas
Bolin, Kaylynn Renee
Boston, Alexander Quinn
Bovi, Stewart Daniel
Bowen, Braxton Ray
Braswell, Thomas Palmer
Broms, Indra Margot
Brotton, Isabella Elise
Brown, Isabelle Claire
Browne, Asare Wasworth Elijah
Brunt, Valerie Marie
Bryan, Christina Pamela
Bunn, Mattias Austin
Bupp, Sydney Elizabeth
Butler, Brooke Noelle
Butler, Zoe Ayanna
Cabble, Kahlil Jaquan
Calderon, Adrian Arnaldo
Campbell, Joshua Brandon
Cardoso, Helen
Carlberg, Niklas Joakim Marcus
Carroll, Josie Edison
Castano, Christopher Julian
Cheffer, Kendall Faith
Chennuri, Chethana
Chickoree, Ellen Kathleen
Chickoree, Riley Gabriel
Chopra, Mehak
Chrusciel, Morgan Blake
Clark, Cameron Emery
Clipston, Zachary Taylor
Clontz, Marissa Nicole
Combs, Chloe Elizabeth
Connell, Brett Logan
Cooper, Arynn Mia
Cotton, Nikaiya Marcia
Cruz-Camargo, Bryan Jesus
Cur, Patrick Toby
Dabrowski, William
D'Amico, John William
D'Amico, Paul Matthew
Dardon, Destiny Marie
D'Auria, Gianna Marie
David, Ryan Juno
Debeuneure, Juliahn Dene'
DeChant, Mark Christopher
DeMaio, Trent Joseph
Dence, Aidan David
Desai, Palak Nirav
Diagne, Aminata Chantal
Dickson, Lauryn Dominique
Dohrman, Katherine Anne
Dortilus, Allison Tobee
Dortilus, Donoven David
Dotson, Jareth Allen
Eason, Caleb Speight
East, Cameron Blake
Edney, Logan Kyle
Edwards, Luke Odell
Egan, Cayce Louis
Eleogu, Nneka Maxine
Engel, Emma Hayes
Evans, Thomas Charles
Fario, Isabella Marie
Fario, Olivia Claire
Fehlman, Grace Micaela
Fiallo, Katherine Marie
Figuereo, Nicholas Bolivar
Finn, Ailey Brielle
Fisher, Joseph Robert
Flores-Berman, Hillary
Focht, Katrina Nicole
Frady, Lyndsey Daniele
Francis, Lauren Grace
Franklin, Ethan Christian
Fredheim, Grace Lauren
Freeman, Reece Alexander
Funderburk, Nathan Alexander
Funderburke, Tyler Michael
Geisler, Rayna Antonia
Gibbs, Alana Brenae
Gillespie, Deanna Diamond
Gonzalez, Innese Isabel
Gottschling, Mason Spencer
Gragnano, Elaina Nicole
Green, Chase Alexandria
Greene, Maiah Isabelle
Griffin, Lorann McKenna
Grismer, Ava Virginia
Grissom, Hayley Madison
Guley, Ceyda Isabel
Gundersen, Benjamin Erik
Gustafson, Daniel Arthur
Gustafson, Nathaniel David
Hahner, Lisa Emily
Hall, Jessica Nicole
Hamblin, Daphne Jane
Hance, Bailey D-Anne
Harrington, Jazmin Nicole
Harris, Emmanuel Rashod
Harris, Isaac Henry
Harris, Miia Anneli
Harrison, Melinda Caroline
Hase, Jackson David Wallace
Hase, Jetta Josiah
Haskins, Michael Anthony
Hawes, Anthony Jon
Healy, Alexander Justin
Healy, Andrew James
Helms, Ryan Neal
Helms, Zoe Brooke
Hetzler, Rachel Anne
Hicks, Kiersten Teresa
Hinson, Elizabeth Mae
Hinson, Ellie Elizabeth Ann
Hodgins, Stephanie Caren
Hollifield, Victoria Elizabeth
Holmes, Christian Oliver
Holzman, Jeffrey Conrad
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 11
Academic Bars and Letters for the Fall 2017 Semester
Hoover, Ryan Pritchard
Hopper, Aradhana Abigail
Horne, Magdalene Ann
Howell, Olivia Lou
Hrenyo, Makayla Marie
Huang, Jinbeibei
Hudson, Tyler Joseph
Huffman, Charles Andrew
Hulse, Jeremy Paul
Humble, Angelina Rose
Huynh, Douglas Trong
Ince, Lisa Nicole
Ireland, Hayley Ella
Israel, Megan Ashley
Ivey, Kyndal Patricia Diana
Jarvis, Spencer Franklin
Johnson, Alexandria Nicole
Johnson, Makana Rose
Johnson, River Scott
Jones, Isabella Camille
Jones, Molly Addison
Joyner, Grace Marie
Kalaf, Sara Elyse
Karas, Jake Daniel
Karhnak, Ryan Matthew
Kelly, Joy LeAnne
Kent, Nicholas Cross
Kidder, Amy Elizabeth
Kjelland, Julia Marie
Knittel, Samuel Allen
Kondeti, Likitha
Kotarski, Rya Maelan
Lala, Priyanka Amarnath
Larsen, Andelyn Christine
Larsen, MaKenna Rose
LaTerra, Dianna Gayle
Lawing, Kelsey Elizabeth
Lawler, Shannon Elizabeth
Laws, Daniel Richard
Laxton, Grace Olivia
Lee, Peyton Riley
Leiner, Justin Alexander
Leonard, Zachary Robert
Lester, Brooke Alison
Lewis, Amaya Kiyomi
Li, Annie Yuanyuan
Little, James Blake
Littleton, James Everett
Loberg, Adam Michael
Long, Carson Grant
Loretz, Aidan Kristopher
Lorray, Jonathan George
Lorray, Kieran Jarrett
Lowery, Gabriella Danielle
Lyons, Katherine Elise
Madden, Emma Love
Main, Auston Keric
Malta, Alexandria Faith
Mann, Chloe McColl
Mannarino, Krista Marie
Manzo Trinidad, Jazmin
Martin, Ethan Michael
Martin, Trace Calder
Maske, Austin Grey
Massey, Azaria De'Jahnee
Massey, Hannah Nicole
Matasic, Bella Marie
Mathieson Jr, James Allen
Mattison, Dilan Spencer
Maupin, Sophia Anne
May, Katherine Clark
McBride, Madison Noelle
McCarthy, Emma Paige
McCollum, Jacob Weston
McCollum, Joshua Reagan
McConnell, Julie Anna
McCoy, William Andrew
McDonald, John Thomas
McDonald, Peyton Elisabeth
McIntyre, Anna Gabriella
McKillop, Brynne Emily
McNally, Liam Patrick
Medina, Jessica Faith
Mehta, Vanika Amit
Mejia-Martinez, Susana Eugenia
Melchor, Makenna Nicole
Melhorn, Justin Todd
Meta, Ilir
Milhone, Reese Malynn
Miller, Brynna Malan
Miller, Emma Lake
Mollaahmad, Niloufar Ariana
Moore, Griffin Baylor
Morgan, Michaela Nico
Morris, Glen Tyler
Mossembekker, Amber Renee
Mossembekker, Megan Ashley
Moubarak, Andrei Joseph
Muccia, Anton Donato
Nanney, Matthew Moore
Nava, Nicole Alexandra
Neff, Victoria Alexis
Nelson, Abigail Sara
Nemanich, Thomas Joseph
Nguyen, Christopher Dang-Khoa Duc
Nguyen, Isaac Ramirez
Nikonowicz, Jamie Angeline
Okocha, Dumebi Sharon
O'Neill, Megan Hannah-Louise
Oni, Olusayo Folaranmi Nathaniel
Outlaw, Rylee Jaye
Owens, Savannah Leigh
Papageorge, Alexandra Lauren
Parker, Andrew Lane
Parker, Mackenzie Sumners
Parker, Madisen Lee
Parler, Samantha Ann
Parrish, Jay Edward
Patel, Nima Bankim
Pena Whalen, Steven
Pendergast, Alex Thomas
Pepin, Olivia Milena
Perez, Unique Tebazil
Petty, Ashton Wynn
Pierno, Joseph Christopher
Pierson, Anders Ingham
Pirozzi, Nicholas Thomas
Pirozzi, Sarah Emily
Plyler, Grace Larryn
Polchow, Kira Elaine
Polen, Matelyn Elizabeth
Popovici, Chiril
Prince, Bryson Connor
Priyemskiy, Melvin Alberto
Putts, Morgan Victoria
Raine, Taylor Nicole
Rakoci, Lexi Mikayla
Ramirez, Christopher
Randall, Jackson Dorsey
Rangolan, Nicholas Andrew
Ray, Keylee Noelle
Ray, Lyndsee Marie
Recher, William Nicholas
Reep, Zane Michael
Richardson, Alana Jade
Rink, Megan Delaney
Ritz, Haylee Grace
Robinson, Parker Scott
Rodgers, Benjamin Edward
Rodriguez, Daniel Jesus
Central Academy of Technology and Arts 12
Academic Bars and Letters for the Fall 2017 Semester
Roets, Philip Alexander
Rone, Christopher Darryl
Root, Mackenzie Maren
Rose, Patrick Andrew
Ross, Hunter Alan
Rowell, Elizabeth Brooke
Rushing, Courtney Ann
Rushing, Ella Christine
Sanchez, Aislin Saray
Santiago, Julianna Corina
Saucedo-Leana, Rosaura
Schomp, Elsie Lynette
Schrader, Julia Grace
Schuster, Shelby Leigh
Seaford, Benjamin Michael
Segerlin, Carissa Holly
Seighman, Olivia Grace
Shank, Melanie Jayne
Sharma, Arnav
Sharpe, Lauren Elizabeth
Shaw, Sydney Elise
Shaw, Taylor James
Sherrod, Kayleigh Elisabeth
Shine, Mikayla Camille
Shively, Kyle Chance
Shue, Stephanie Kristine
Simonton, Robert McCamey
Sineath, Savannah Lynn Holland
Sivaram, Siddharth M
Sloan, Jack Thomas
Smith, Brody Alexander
Snider, Michael Laing
Song, Nicholas Hyunwoo
Sosa, Gabriel
Spadafore, Matthew Edward
Spadafore, Ryan Jeffrey
Spector, Nicholas Colin
Speiser, Jake Ethan
Speiser, Kaitlyn Rachel
Sperber, Seth Walker
St Gelais, Renee Diane
St Hilaire, Aiden James
Stainback, Savannah Marie
Starnes, Morgan Elizabeth
Staroverov, Yana Andreevna
Starr, Madelyn Amy
Stewart, Colin James
Stewart, Zariya Marquita
Stoycheva, Nikol Nedkova
Studer, Josie Ann
Sturdivant, Nyla Semone
Suggs, Paul Tyler
Surace, Meghan Suzanne
Swayze, Nicholas Gary
Taldo, Daniel James
Taylor, Cameron Andrew
Terwilliger, Nicholas Robert
Tetreault, Emily Hope
Thews, Bella Corinne
Thomas, Merilyn
Thomas, Taylor MaKenzie
Thomsen-Cox, Douglas Rayne
Treece, Hunter Benjamin
Trumbo, Colby Samuel
Tucker, Bobbie Makenzie
Tugman, Brynne Marie
Ulloa, Chloe Virginia
Vaishnav, Nikhil
Valdes, Michael Christopher
Vanblon, Jasmine Mikaela
Vandyke, Kimberly Ashton
Verrill, Thomas Emerson
Villanueva, Sarai
Vinicombe, Dylan James
Vinicombe, Madison Theresa
Wallace, Karrington Nicole
Walle, Isabella Madison
Warren, Madison Elizabeth
Warren, Matthew James
Watkins, Jon Hunter
Watts, Grace Elizabeth
Weisskopf, Nathan Alexander
Weston, Kyle Joseph
Widener, Olivia Kathleen
Wiggers, Jordyn Marie
Wiggs, Grace Marie
Wild, Jack Peyton
Williams, Asia Sharice
Williams, Rayven Sheronte'
Wilson, Madeline Hailey
Winburn, Adam Treacy
Wittek, Kathryn Jean
Wolfe II, Leland Mack
Woodward, Ethan Scott Albritton
Wright, Athan Gregory
Wright, Marcus Alexander
Wunder, Evan Joseph
Wylie, Rachael Brianna
Yoder, Ethan Morris
Young, Robert James
Zukoski, Jordan Luke
Zummo, Aaron Joseph