This form is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as legal advice. Legal advice must
be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case and laws are constantly changing. Organizations
should seek the assistance of competent legal counsel for specific legal advice. To request legal assistance
for a nonprofit in Maryland, contact Ingrid Hitchens (410.366.0922 x113 or
ingridh@communitylaw.org) or download an Application for Legal Services at
Updated 3/24/2020
Annual$Repo rt$and$Personal$Property$Tax$Return$
What is the form my nonprofit organization must complete?
Nonprofit organizations (called “nonstock corporations” in Maryland) must complete the Maryland
Form 1, which is divided into two forms, the Annual Report and the Business Personal Property Tax
Return, and a supplemental Form SD-1. These forms address “personal property” owned by business
entities and nonprofit organizations in Maryland. Personal property includes all property other than
real estate, and includes things like computers, phones, furniture, inventory, equipment, tools,
machines, books, artwork, supplies, and fixtures.
Every nonprofit must file the two-page Form 1 Annual Report. There is no filing fee for
nonprofit organizations to file. If your organization does not own, lease, or use any personal property,
or the total original cost of all its personal property was less than $2,500 and it does not lease any
personal property, this is the only form it must complete. However, if your organization owns or
leases any personal property, and the total original cost of that property was more than $2,500, the
organization may need to complete the Business Personal Property Tax Return. If your organization
leases any personal property from someone else, it will also need to complete the Business Personal
Property Tax Return.
Form 1 Annual Report:
Form 1 Business Personal Property Tax Return:
Combined Form 1 Annual Report and Business Personal Property Tax Return:
Form SD-1 supplemental details:
For more information: http://dat.maryland.gov/businesses/Pages/Business-Personal-Property.aspx
When do we complete the Annual Report (and if required, the SD-1 and Personal Property Tax
Every year by April 15th. If you missed a year, you must complete the form for every missed year.
Prior year forms are available at http://dat.maryland.gov/Pages/sdatforms.aspx#BNE. You may
request a 60 day extension of the filing deadline by visiting the Personal Property Extension site at
http://pprextensions.dat.maryland.gov/. Extension requests must be made on or before April 15th.
Why complete the tax form(s)?
This form is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as legal advice. Legal advice must
be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case and laws are constantly changing. Organizations
should seek the assistance of competent legal counsel for specific legal advice. To request legal assistance
for a nonprofit in Maryland, contact Ingrid Hitchens (410.366.0922 x113 or
ingridh@communitylaw.org) or download an Application for Legal Services at
Updated 3/24/2020
To maintain the organization’s incorporation with the state of Maryland. If you do not complete the
form, the organization’s incorporated status will be forfeited, and you will need to go through the
process of reviving the corporation, and paying another fee to the state.
How to complete the Annual Report
The form can be found online at
Check “Domestic Non-Stock Corporation” in the upper left.
Section I: Fill in the information requested.
o To find the MD Department ID Number for your organization and the date of
incorporation, search for your organization by name at
o The Federal Employer Identification # is the EIN your organization uses with the IRS.
o If your organization does not have a Federal Principal Business Code or Trading As
Name, leave these sections blank.
Section II: Fill in the information requested about your organizations Officers and Directors.
o If the organization is a Maryland nonprofit with an operating budget over $5 million
annually, it must list the total number of Directors and the total number of female
Directors. (See Tax-Property Article §11-101)
Section III: Answer the questions about personal property.
o For Question A, choose “yes” if the organization owns or leases any personal property
(like office supplies, computers, phones, furniture, equipment, books, etc.; personal
property is any property other than real estate).
o For Question B, choose “yes” if the organization has a Trader’s License (sometimes called
a business license) issued by a court or local government.
o For Question C, provide information on the gross sales (if any).
o For Question D, answer based on whether the organization sold, transferred, or otherwise
disposed of all its personal property before January 1
Section IV: Have a Corporate Officer complete this section. If someone other than a Director
(like an accountant or attorney) helped complete the form, have them complete Question B.
Do we need to complete the Business Personal Property Tax Return or the Form SD-1, in addition
to the Annual Report?
If all of the personal property owned or leased by your organization had a total original cost less than
$2,500, that personal property is not subject to valuation or to property tax. (Tax Property Article § 7-
245) You can write on the Annual Report that “The organization is exempt from personal property
taxes under Tax Property Article § 7-245.” You do not need to complete the Business Personal
Property Tax Return, and the Form SD-1 is optional.
If your organization leases any personal property from someone else (such as a copier or other
equipment), it should complete the Business Personal Property Tax Return.
If your organization owns any personal property, and the total original cost of that personal property
was more than $2,500, the organization may need to complete the Business Personal Property Tax
This form is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as legal advice. Legal advice must
be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case and laws are constantly changing. Organizations
should seek the assistance of competent legal counsel for specific legal advice. To request legal assistance
for a nonprofit in Maryland, contact Ingrid Hitchens (410.366.0922 x113 or
ingridh@communitylaw.org) or download an Application for Legal Services at
Updated 3/24/2020
How to complete the Business Personal Property Tax Return
Your organization should complete this form if it leases any personal property from someone else
(such as leasing a copier), and the business it leases it from does not report the property on its Form
1. The form can be found online at
Enter the name of the organization and the MD Department ID Number.
Section V-VII: Complete the information requested. See above for exempt organizations.
Is my organization exempt from personal property tax?
In the past, the state considered nonprofit organizations exempt from personal property taxes, and did
not require them to complete the entire personal property tax form, the way for-profit businesses
must. Now, it is unclear how these requirements apply to nonprofit charitable organizations. We have
been told by the state that being incorporated as a nonstock corporation in Maryland, or recognized as
a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization by the IRS, does not make an organization automatically eligible
for personal property tax exemption. Some organizations, like religious groups, nonprofit hospitals,
and cemetery and mausoleum companies, are automatically exempt from personal property tax. Other
groups may apply for and receive exemptions from this tax (see below for information on applying
for exemption). Under Tax Property Article § 7-245, if the total value of all of an organization’s
personal property statewide had a total original cost less than $2,500, the property is not subject to
valuation or to property tax. If your organization qualifies for an exemption from personal property
tax, it should write on the Annual Report “The organization is exempt from personal property taxes
under [Section 7-202 or 7-245] of the Tax Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.”
Apply for a personal property tax exemption:
Charitable organizations may apply for a personal property tax exemption, which if received would
exempt them from personal property tax, and they would not need to file the Business Personal
Property Return (see MD Code Tax-Property Article 7-202). You can find an exemption application
online at http://dat.maryland.gov/SDAT%20Forms/pp_Charitable.pdf.
File the forms:
File online at https://egov.maryland.gov/businessexpress
OR mail the completed form(s) to:
Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation
Annual Report
PO Box 17052
Baltimore, Maryland 21297-1052
OR hand deliver the completed form(s) to: State of Maryland - State Center, 301 W. Preston
Street, Room 801, Baltimore, MD 21201
Sign up online for more information from SDAT:
Check your organization’s status: https://egov.maryland.gov/BusinessExpress/EntitySearch
This form is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as legal advice. Legal advice must
be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case and laws are constantly changing. Organizations
should seek the assistance of competent legal counsel for specific legal advice. To request legal assistance
for a nonprofit in Maryland, contact Ingrid Hitchens (410.366.0922 x113 or
ingridh@communitylaw.org) or download an Application for Legal Services at
Updated 3/24/2020
For more information, contact SDAT’s Personal Property Valuation Unit:
SDAT.PersProp@Maryland.gov or (410) 767-1170