THE SPECTACLE Spring 2023 | 1
The California State Board of Optometry protects the health and safety of California consumers
through licensing and regulation of the practices of optometry and opticianry.
This edition of The Spectacle includes information on navigating through the BreEZe portal, continuing
education (CE) requirements, new optometry graduates, information on Assembly Bill 2138, and recently
noticed CE regulation change proposals, plus introduces the Board’s newly appointed Executive Ocer
Gregory Pruden. Keep reading for the latest happenings at the Board!
Achieving Professional
Excellence Through Continuing
A contribution by Dr. Jonathon Ross, O.D., M.S., FAAO Diplomate
American Board of Optometry and California State Board of
Optometry Board Member
The optometry profession has experienced tremendous growth
since its inception. It is likely that previous generations of
optometrists might not even recognize the profession as it is
practiced today. A discipline that originated by simply providing
refractive services has ourished through the scope of practice
expansion into one of comprehensive eye health and vision care.
How has this remarkable transformation been possible? Through
the steadfast dedication of our colleagues to a key pledge from
the Optometric Oath, which compels us to “strive continuously to
broaden our knowledge and skills so that our patients may benet
from innovative and ecacious means to enhance their vision.
Californians have been the direct beneciaries of this professional
The continued pursuit of scientic and clinical excellence is not
only a shared attribute among the medical disciplines, but also
is essential for maintaining licensure in California. Continuing
education courses must be completed as a condition of
license renewal every two years per Business and Professions
Code section 3059 by all active or retired volunteer licensed
optometrists. Specic requirements based on license type can be
found on the ocial California State Board of Optometry website.
Fortunately, we have a number of traditional and novel methods
in California for completing our education. Traditional methods
include live lectures (synchronous in-person), interactive webinars
(synchronous virtual), and the learner-paced study of pre-recorded
webinars or journal articles (asynchronous).
In addition, there are a variety of nontraditional methods for
obtaining CEs, including attendance at a Board meeting (up to
four CE hours), participation as a subject matter expert in the
development of the California Laws and Regulation Examination
(one CE hour per hour of workshop attendance, not to exceed
eight hours), CPR certication (up to four CE hours), a peer-
reviewed publication (one CE hour per content page), etc.
Compliance with education requirements is not only mandatory
for maintaining licensure, but also fundamental for optimizing the
care, health, and wellness of our patients.
The Board is charged on behalf of Californians with the
responsibility of ensuring that optometrists meet the education
criteria outlined in Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations
section 1536 for licensure through routine auditing. This
independent evaluation is critical for maintaining public trust in
the optometric profession—an obligation valued by the Board
and our members. Be prepared: The Board is committed to
increasing the number of licensees audited annually to ensure
that our responsibility to consumer protection and public safety
is preserved. Thus, it is critical that optometrists have a reliable
system for maintaining organized and accurate records of
completed CE.
2 | Spring 2023 THE SPECTACLE
An electronic ling system proven to be eective is the
Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO) OE
TRACKER. This service allows optometrists to conveniently upload
documentation of CE into a readily accessible cloud database.
Upon completion of a CE course, you may upload your certicate
to the ARBO OE TRACKER website. OE TRACKER also provides
statistical analysis of your current CE status, so you have a clear
view of your progress in overall and individual CE categories (e.g.,
glaucoma, ocular disease, etc.) toward license renewal. In the event
of an audit, those with accounts can simply provide the Board
with your specic OE TRACKER number.
While those who maintain a hardcopy record are required to
submit complete documentation for all CE completed during the
license renewal period, it is important to be aware that completing
documentation for license renewal via the California Department
of Consumer Aairs (DCA) BreEZe website requires your signature
on a legal electronic document attesting to your completion
of CE. Unfortunately, failure to meet CE requirements following
the signing of the documentation would violate acondition of
license renewal” and is viewed as making a false statement under
penalty of perjury, which could result in a ne and a public record
of the infraction for ve years. Practitioners in violation then enter
a period of abatement where they are required to complete the
missing education hours in a limited time period until they are
brought into compliance (while time is accruing toward renewal
on their current license). Having a dependable organizational
system can signicantly reduce the uncertainty that can arise
during this necessary process and make an unfortunate situation
Involvement in our profession is an eective strategy for ensuring
that you remain on the cutting edge of medical advancement
and successfully complete all your CE requirements. Membership
in professional organizations, including the American Optometric
Association and the California Optometric Association, are
important for understanding the current issues impacting
optometry while also providing opportunities to build your
intraprofessional network. Local, state, and national associations
are always welcoming new volunteers who are excited to
contribute toward the progression of eye care. In addition,
postgraduate fellowship and diplomate educational programs
through the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) and
American Board of Optometry (ABO) provide the opportunity for
practitioners to keep their professional commitment to lifelong
learning while also increasing their exposure to cutting-edge
research further sharpening clinical acumen.
Being active within our profession will not only make your career
more fullling, but also allows you to easily meet and exceed
standard education requirements by simply being involved!
Rededicating ourselves to the principles of professional growth
will allow our generation of optometrists to leave the profession
in a better position than when we inherited it. This commitment
will ensure that Californians continue to have access to the highest
quality eye care and providers in the United States.
Board Introduces New
Executive Ocer
On November 3, 2022, the Board appointed Gregory Pruden as
its interim executive ocer while a search was conducted for a
permanent successor. During the March 17, 2023 Board meeting,
Pruden was formally appointed as executive ocer and he was
ocially sworn in to his role on March 27, 2023. He joins the Board
having spent the previous six years as legislative manager for
DCAs Division of Legislative Aairs. He is married to Kelsey Pruden
and they have two daughters, Estelle, 7, and Quinn, 6.
Board Executive Ocer Gregory Pruden can be reached at
Gregory[email protected] or (916) 574-7808.
THE SPECTACLE Spring 2023 | 3
Frequently Asked Questions
A. Fees for all license types, including certicates, can be found on the Board’s website at
A. The Board’s goal is to respond to emails within 12 business days of receipt.
A. The Board strongly recommends becoming familiar with the laws and regulations pertaining to Optometry licensees
and Registered Dispensing Opticians at
A. If you had a Live Scan done during an application with the Board under the Dispensing Optician Program, you do
not need to complete the process again when completing another application. However, you must complete another
Live Scan if your initial license is canceled. Additionally, if you completed the Live Scan process for a non-Dispensing
Optician profession (i.e., cosmetology) or for a job or volunteer position, you must complete the process again. Please
get in touch with the Board if you have any questions before completing this process.
Questions regarding the practice of optometry or your optometry license renewal can be sent to
optometr[email protected]. For questions regarding your Optician application or registration can be
sent to Questions about enforcement issues can be sent to
Do you have general questions about your license or registration, your profession, or something else? Check out the FAQs
below for the answers!
4 | Spring 2023 THE SPECTACLE
Spring Is an Exciting Time for Optometry Graduates in California!
As spring approaches, three classes of California optometry graduates will prepare for licensure and start their professional careers.
The Board gets over 200 applications each summer from new graduates. New graduates bring fresh perspectives, the latest training,
and inspired energy, making them excellent additions to a practice.
As exciting as it may be to hire a new optometry graduate, you must take the below precautions to ensure you are not hiring a
graduate who has not yet been licensed as an optometrist.
Q. How do you make sure the new graduate interested in working for you is a safe and competent
A. Check for their license!
Before issuing an optometrist license, the Board veries that each applicant meets the same minimum training, skills,
and knowledge requirements and that they are eligible for licensure (Business and Professions Code section 480).
You can verify an applicants license by contacting the Board directly or using DCAs online license search:
On DCAs online license search, you can nd out when a license was issued, when it expires, what the current status is, what
level of license certication the licensee has, if they have an Immunization Certication, and any public actions taken against the
Q. What can you do if your new optometrist’s application for licensure is still pending?
A. Be patient!
The graduation season can mean longer than normal processing times for applications. After graduation, it can take a month
or more for the Board to receive school transcripts, exam scores, and ngerprint results. An application is not considered
complete and submitted for review until all items have been received.
Q. Can your new graduate start working while you wait?
A. Until an Optometrist license is issued, a new graduate cannot do any work within the scope of practice for a licensed
optometrist (Business and Professions Code section 3041).
Q. Can I lose my license if an unlicensed person practices optometry in a practice I own?
A. It is a violation of the law to employ an unlicensed person for the practice of optometry and to aid or abet the unlicensed
practice of optometry. Doing so will result in disciplinary action being taken against your license (Business and
Professions Code section 3040).
THE SPECTACLE Spring 2023 | 5
The More You Know
New Graduates: Read This!
As many optometry students are getting ready to graduate, Board
sta is gearing up to process hundreds of applications from new
The Board uses an online platform called BreEZe for all licensing
applications, forms, and license renewals. Please review and follow
the below steps to ensure you are correctly applying for your
California optometry license.
1. Navigate to the BreEZe website (a link can also be found on
the homepage of the Board’s website).
2. Create an account.
3. After creating an account, you will be asked to start an
application. Please select OptometristLaw Exam Request
Application Part 1.
4. Please make sure to add your email address and phone
number. Without this information, the application process
could be extended.
5. After you have completed and paid for Part 1 of the application,
Psychological Services Incorporated (PSI)—the testing
vendor—will contact you to register for the California Laws and
Regulations Examination (CLRE).
6. Upon successful completion of the CLRE, you will go back into
your BreEZe account and click Manage My Application. Here
you will nd Part 2 of the application. You will be required to
pay $85 for your TLG specialization certicate.
After completing Part 2 of the application process, the Board must
receive the following documents to complete the processing:
1. Transcripts. You are required to submit your transcripts to the
California State Board of Optometry after you graduate from an
accredited optometry program. A list of accredited optometry
degree programs can be found here.
2. National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) scores.
NBEO scores must be released to California. Please contact
NBEO to conrm that this option was selected. The scores will
be released after you graduate. Please include your OE TRACKER
number in your application. Sta can use this information to
access NBEO scores once you’ve authorized NBEO to release
them to us.
3. Fingerprints. Fingerprints must be submitted on the Board’s
Live Scan form. You can email and
request a Live Scan packet, which will include directions and
the required form. If you are applying while living outside of
California, you will submit your ngerprints by physical or “hard”
cards. You can email optometr[email protected], provide a
mailing address, and request hard cards be mailed to you.
It can take four to six weeks from your graduation date for the
Board to receive your transcripts and NBEO scores. The application
processing timeline does not start until those items are received.
You can nd current processing times for complete applications on
the Boards website (
index.shtml#apptime0). Please remember that processing
times won’t start until your transcripts, NBEO scores, and ngerprint
results are received and the application is fully complete.
Important Information About
Your Address of Record
The law requires you to notify the Board of each address at which
you practice optometry. If you are practicing at one location, this
will be the Address of Record for your optometrist license.
If you are practicing optometry at more than one location, you
must apply for and obtain a Statement of Licensure (SOL) for
each additional practice location. Under the law, an optometrist
may have up to 11 practice locations. Your Address of Record on
your optometrist license should be your primary place of practice.
You can change the address of record for your Optometrist license
from your BreEZe dashboard; however, you cannot change the
address of a practice location for which you have obtained an SOL.
You must apply for a new SOL for each new practice location.
If you are no longer working at a location for which you have an
SOL, you can submit a written request for the cancellation of the
SOL to optometr[email protected]. Please be sure to
include your SOL license number.
Still unsure? We can help! Send us an email at
6 | Spring 2023 THE SPECTACLE
Board Releases Complaint
Form in Spanish and
Simplied Chinese
To better serve all Californians, the Board has translated
its complaint form into two other common languages:
Spanish and Simplied Chinese. These materials
were distributed over the Board’s social media channels
and via email, utilizing posts in those languages to help
spread awareness that the Board is working to better
serve its customers.
Do You Need a Fictitious Name Permit? What You Should Know
Did you know the Board has over 1,400 active Fictitious Name
Permits (FNP)? Here’s how to stay compliant with your FNP.
Who Needs a FNP? Pursuant to Business and Professions
Code section 3078, an FNP is required when an optometrist
wishes to run their practice under another name other than
their legal name. The ctitious name must include the words
optometry” or “optometric.
How do I apply for an FNP? You may apply for a FNP through
BreEZe, the Board’s online portal and renewal payment system.
When do I apply for an FNP? If you intend to practice under a
ctitious name (any name other than your legal name), you must
rst apply for and obtain an FNP from the Board before utilizing
that name. This applies to your principal place of practice and/
or any additional oce locations where you would like to use a
ctitious name.
What is the cost of an FNP? The application and renewal fee
are $50 each, and FNPs expire annually on January 31. If the FNP is
not renewed by January 31, there is a $25 delinquent fee.
What else should I know? FNP holders wishing to advertise
their practice must always use the approved ctitious name on
advertising of any nature, including all signs, cards, envelopes,
billheads, and letterheads.
The Board encourages FNP holders to keep up with renewal dates
and advertising regulations to stay compliant. For any questions or
concerns, please get in touch with the Board at (916) 575-7170 or
THE SPECTACLE Spring 2023 | 7
Are You Applying for Licensure
with a Conviction or Past
Disciplinary Action? Here’s What
You Need to Know
(Assembly Bill 2138)
In 2018, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 2138. A reform
bill, AB 2138 restricts the discretion of boards and bureaus within
DCA in using prior criminal history as grounds for licensing
determinations and established new prohibitions relating to the
denial, suspension, and revocation of licensure. AB 2138 prevents
programs from using acts involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit
that did not result in a conviction as a basis for the denial of a
license, and included the adoption of a seven-year limitation
on convictions eligible for licensure denial, subject to specic
exemptions. The bill also instituted a ban on requiring applicants
to self-disclose prior convictions unless the application is made
for a license type that does not require a ngerprint background
check. The purpose of the bill was to address recidivism rates by
removing barriers to licensure and provide greater opportunities
for employment.
In late 2022, a coalition of organizations that support formerly
incarcerated and systems-impacted people contacted DCA
regarding a review of publicly posted information on board
and bureau websites related to AB 2138. Those organizations
noted examples of boards and bureaus they felt had inaccurate
information posted on their websites, and they asked the
Department to ensure that the boards and bureaus displayed
accurate and substantive information about AB 2138 on their
websites. While the the California State Board of Optometry
was not referenced, sta undertook a review of our website
and noted an opportunity existed to produce information for
licensees, applicants, and the public. A “CSBO—Conviction or
Past Disciplinary Action FAQ” document was created, reviewed,
and approved by legal counsel. The FAQ has been posted to the
Board’s website and distributed via email.
Helpful Hints for Using BreEZe
Are you trying to renew your license or update your address and
cannot nd the right pathway once in BrEZe? Do you have more
questions than answers when using BreEZe? Review these helpful
tips to nd the answers!
A. You have six attempts to log in.
A. Your user name is not case sensitive but your password is. Note:
The new password must meet the following criteria:
1. A minimum of eight characters.
2. Must not be the same as your user ID.
3. Must not be a variation of your user ID.
4. Must contain at least one uppercase alphabetic character.
5. Must contain at least one lowercase alphabetic character.
6. Must contain at least one numeric character.
7. Must contain at least one special character.
A. When logged into BreEZe, you will nd topic-specic FAQs
located at the start of the topic pages labeled as “Quick Answers
to Quick Questions.
For BreEZe technical assistance on any of the issues mentioned
above, please call the BreEZe help line at (855) 227-9633.
8 | Spring 2023 THE SPECTACLE
Have You Been Randomly
Selected for a CE Audit?
Here’s What to Expect
The intent of the California Legislature is to ensure that consumers
are better served by requiring all optometry license holders
receive CE after becoming licensed. CE contributes to the
advancement and skill in the practice of optometry which is
paramount in ensuring the safety of the public.
The California State Legislature enacted statutes regarding CE
to ensure that consumers are better served by requiring all
optometry license holders to receive CE after becoming licensed.
CE contributes to the advancement and skill in optometry practice,
which is paramount in ensuring the public’s safety.
As a condition of licensure renewal, the completion of CE
coursework is required for each renewal cycle. Pursuant to
California Code of Regulations title 16 section 1536(k),
the Board may conduct an audit of any licensee’s attendance of a
continuing optometric education course as a means of verifying
compliance with the CE requirement for your previous renewal
If you are selected for an audit, Board sta will review any CE
courses documented in your ARBO OE TRACKER. You will then
receive a notication from Board sta providing information about
the audit, including the renewal period being audited and the
cursory audit ndings. If you have utilized ARBO’s OE TRACKER
and all courses have been conrmed, you will be notied of audit
compliance. If Board sta is not able to conrm your completion of
CEs via ARBO’s OE TRACKER, you will receive an audit notication
and request to submit completion certicates for all courses taken
during the renewal cycle being audited. Saving a copy of your
completion certicates will be benecial to you should you be
selected for an audit.
In addition to total CE hours, your CE requirement may include
specic types of classes. If you are not certied in Therapeutic
Pharmaceutical Agents (TPA), you are required to complete 40 CE
hours. If you are TPA certied, you are required to complete 50 CE
hours, of which 35 hours are specic to the diagnosis, treatment,
and management of ocular disease. If you have a glaucoma
certication, 10 hours of the 35 must be specic to glaucoma.
Please click here to nd more specic information about CE
requirements on the Board’s website.
Recently Noticed CE Regulation Revision Proposal
On April 14, 2023, the Board’s proposed revisions to its CE regulations were noticed and published by the Oce of Administrative Law.
This began a 45-day comment period that will end on May 31, 2023, during which interested stakeholders can submit comments on the
proposal. A copy of the proposed regulations can be viewed here.
THE SPECTACLE Spring 2023 | 9
Recent Disciplinary Actions Taken by the Board
For the most current list of citations issued and disciplinary actions, please visit
The Board provides information
regarding administrative disciplinary actions for immediate access and convenience of interested
persons. You can also access the “Online License Verication” to verify if a licensed optometrist has had any disciplinary action taken
against their license or to verify the current status of a license.
While the Board believes the information to be reliable, human or technical error remains a possibility, as does a possible delay in posting or updating information.)
Chuong, Thomas Hoa (SLD 40971)—Rosemead
On February 10, 2023, an Accusation was led against the
registration of Thomas Hoa Chuong (SLD 40971), with an address
of record in Rosemead, CA, for Conviction of Substantially Related
Crimes and Dangerous Use of Alcohol (BPC §§ 490, 2555.1,
2555.5(a), (k), 2557.1 and CCR, tit. 16, § 1399.270).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the
registrants prole.
Trevino, Rogelio (SLD 40960)—Temecula
On February 10, 2023, an Accusation was led against the
registration of Rogelio Trevino (SLD 40960), with an address of
record in Temecula, CA, for Criminal Conviction for Child Abuse
(BPC §§ 490, 2555.1, 2555.5(k)). Click here to obtain a copy
of the action or to view the registrants prole.
Brown, Mitchell Charles (OPT 8934)—Coronado
On March 2, 2023, a $1,300 citation was issued to Mitchell
Brown (OPT 8934) for failing to meet the continuing optometric
education requirements within the 2020-2022 renewal cycle and
certifying under penalty of perjury on his license renewal that the
CE requirements were met (BPC §§ 3059(e), 3110(a)(i)(j) and CCR,
tit. 16, §1536, subd. (b)).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action or to view the
doctors prole.
Moline, David Charles (OPT 7528)—Tracy
On March 2, 2023, a $900 citation was issued to David Moline (OPT
7528) for failing to meet the continuing optometric education
requirements within the 2020-2022 renewal cycle and certifying
under penalty of perjury on his license renewal that the CE
requirements were met (BPC §§ 3059(e), 3110(a)(i)(j) and CCR, tit.
16, §1536, subd. (b)(l)).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action or to view the
doctors prole.
10 | Spring 2023 THE SPECTACLE
Mirza, Haris (OPT 35065)—Porter Ranch
Eective February 23, 2023, the Optometrist license application for
Haris Mirza (OPT 35065), with an address of record in Porter Ranch,
CA, was approved, the license issued and immediately revoked,
the revocation was stayed, and the license placed on probation for
one year (BPC §§2540, 3040(a), 3109(a), and 3110(s)). Click here to
obtain a copy of the action or to view the doctors prole.
Summers, Brianna (SLD 41814)—Burbank
Eective February 23, 2023, the Spectacle Lens Dispenser
registration of Brianna Summers (SLD 41814) with an address of
record in Burbank, CA, was revoked, the revocation stayed, and the
registration placed on probation for three (3) years for Conviction
of a Substantially Related Crime and Dangerous Use of Alcoholic
Beverages (BPC §§490, 2555.5(k), (l), and CCR, tit. 16, § 1399.270).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the
registrants prole.
Cahoon, Benjamin Paul (OPT 33877)—Lancaster
Eective February 23, 2023, the license of Benjamin Paul Cahoon
(OPT 33877), with an address of record in Lancaster, CA, was
revoked for multiple violations of BPC section 3110, Unprofessional
Conduct, Sexual Misconduct with a Patient including inappropriate
sexual comments, exposing himself, touching of an intimate part
of a person, unlawful restraint, Disciplinary Action by a Foreign
Jurisdiction; Grounds for Disciplinary Action by State Licensing
Board, Issuance of a License by Mistake or Procuring a License by
Misrepresentation, Acts Which Would have Warranted Denial of
a License, and Misrepresentation/Commission of an Act Involving
Dishonesty (BPC §§ 141, 790.6, 3090.5, 3110, 3110(e), (f), (i), (m)(1),
(m)(2), by reference to PC § 243.4, and CCR, tit. 16, § 1517).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action or to view the
doctors prole.
Nantes, Florentino (SLD and CLD Applicant)
On February 16, 2023, a Statement of Issues was led against
Florentino Nantes (SLD and CLD applicant) following the denial
of his applications for Registered Spectacle Lens Dispenser and
Contact Lens Dispenser registrations. The basis for the denial was
Substantially Related Serious Felony Conviction (BPC §§ 480(a)(1),
2559.2(b), and 2561, by reference to Penal Code section 1192.7).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action.
Your First Renewal After License Issuance
Your new Optometrist license will expire on the last day of the 24th month after issuance, and, if you renew, every 24 months thereafter.
You can renew your Optometrist license from your BreEZe dashboard by submitting the renewal application and fees. You will be asked
to self-certify that you are in compliance with any CE requirements, disclose any new convictions or disciplinary actions, and have the
opportunity to update your address of record or legal name.
If your license was issued within one year of your graduation date, you are exempt from completing CE for your rst renewal. When you
complete your renewal application, you can answer that yes, you are in compliance with the CE requirement.
How Are We Doing?
The California State Board of Optometry
strives to provide the best possible
customer service. Please help us by taking
a few minutes to complete our brief
customer service satisfaction survey here.
Your participation is greatly appreciated.
2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 105
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 575-7170
Board Members
Lillian Wang, O.D.
Jerey Garcia, O.D.
Vice President
Eunie Linden, J.D.
Stacy Hancock, Registered Optician
Glenn Kawaguchi, O.D.
Mark Morodomi, J.D.
Joseph Pruitt, O.D.
Jonathon M. Ross, O.D.
Sandra D. Sims, J.D.
Donald Yoo, J.D.
Vacancy, Public Member
Gregory Pruden
Executive Ocer
Ask an Analyst Is Here!
Do you have a general question?
Submit your questions to
optometr[email protected]v and
look for the answer in the next
edition of the The Spectacle!
Be sure to include The Spectacle
in the subject line.
Coming Up in the
Summer 2023 Edition
of The Spectacle
• The Do’s and Don’ts of Advertising
• U.C. Berkeley’s Centennial Celebration
• Enforcement Actions Taken